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Okay y'all so I skipped like a lot cause I just wanna get to where the plot is actually during the movie/book. Sorry the chapters haven't been like the greatest cause sometimes I suck at writing my own plot. But thank you so much for still reading cause I really appreciate it!

 But thank you so much for still reading cause I really appreciate it!

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The leaves left with Fall and soon the ground is covered in snow. While I help dad shovel the driveway - more like me throwing snowballs at his back, which I can do pretty good with my left arm - I glance up at the house next to ours. The Swan residence. It's been quiet and practically empty ever since the Cullens left. Most night I can hear Isabella screaming, I think she has night terrors.

She stares out the window of her room, that's all she does now. When our eyes connect, she doesn't blink, just stares at me blankly. I wave and smile, but she remains frozen. Sighing, I return to my father just as he loses his balance and tumbles to the ground. When I laugh at him, he grabs at my ankle and pulls me down as well.

"Barry!" Mom screeches from the kitchen window. "You're gonna break something, you old man!"

Dad gasps dramatically. "You're calling me old? You're the one with the gray hair, Olive!" I wince as the words leave his lips. He is so screwed. Mom narrows her eyes and storms out side, glaring at dad. "I love you?" Dad grins innocently.

Mom bends down and grabs a handful of snow, smothering it on dad's face as I scoot out of the way. Dad lets out a high pitched squeal and begs for mercy. "Oh, no. You can either take this or sleep on the couch tonight." Mom tells him. Dad sighs but motions for her to continue.

I watch amusedly as this continues. They don't show it much but they have a very funny and loving relationship.

"Line, what time is that party tonight?" Dad asks me. The annual New Year's Eve Spectacular Party hosted by your favorite small town twins. The Quinn parents spend Nee Year's Eve in Seattle every year, leaving the twins to throw a massive party. Or as massive as a party can get in Forks. It's a blast and usually ends with the house covered in empty cups.

"Not until 11." I respond. My parents let me go cause they know I won't drink at the party. It's no fun drinking if everyone is. Way too many drunks at a party typically ends in disaster.

Glancing at the window next door another time, I rise to my feet and march to their front door. Chief Swan is at work, so I know it's only Isabella in the house. When she doesn't answer, I huff and stand underneath her window. "Isabella! I know you're alive, I wanna talk!" There's some movement heard inside before the front door opens.

"What do you want?" I have to stop myself from taking a step back. She's looks like a zombie, she looks like shit. I thought her boyfriend left? Why does she look like she's gonna die any second?

"There's a party tonight, biggest one this town ever sees. Would you like to come?" She remains expressionless, wrapped up in her blanket and clad in rundown slippers. She shakes her head, mumbling something about being okay. When she goes to close the door, I reach out with my left arm to stop her. "Look, I don't know you and you don't know me. But I do know you don't spend almost four months locked in a room away from civilization because your boyfriend moved away." The words just spew out uncontrollably. "You've pushed everyone away, Isabella, and you look like shit. I bet you could do with some fun. So, you can either get off your ass and come to this party with me and have some fun, or you can drown yourself in your self pity. Your choice."

She doesn't seem to think before slamming the door in my face. Whatever. Rolling my eyes, I return home and figure a nap will pass the time until the party.


The party started forty five minutes ago and the floor is covered is empty beer cans and cups. The keg is almost empty, thanks to Jules, who likes to remind everyone he is the champion at keg standing. While he impresses Jessica Stanley with some basic beer pong tricks - although it's not very difficult impressing her - Riley and Dani chat by the kitchen. Nova and I dance with Angela, Eric, and Mike. It's been since summer since we've had the chance to just let loose and not worry about anything.

Classes have been shit. There's a test every week it feels like. I've had more free time than I normally would without volleyball, but the added papers and assignments make up for it.

Nova twirls and smirks at me. "Would you be pissed if I told you I invited your boy toy?" Following her gaze, my jaw almost drops as I spot Paul Lahote and his friend Jared standing by the door, looking extremely lost and slightly uncomfortable.

I had met Jared last week when I met up with Paul after my physical therapy appointment. Since our talk at the diner, Paul and I have been talking again. It's been nice. I missed spending time with him.

"The wolf party is next door." I say when I approach them. Jared barks out a laugh before ditching us to find a drink. Paul continues looking around the house, and I take this time to look at him. "It's like twenty degrees and you're still wearing shorts?"

He glances at his outfit and shrugs. "It's a wolf thing. Our temperature is always high." That and you're super hot. The music changes to some new dance song and everyone begins cheering. "Is there somewhere quieter we can go?"

I take his hand and lead him through the drunk bodies to the upstairs. Every room on the second floor has a balcony, so I enter the first one. It's cold outside, but with Paul standing next to me, it's not so bad.

Paul stares out into the forest. There's snow dusting the trees and some even still floats around us. It's a beautiful sight.

"I love the cold." Paul's voice breaks the silence. "I had-have problems with my anger. Even before I shifted. When I got angry, I would go home and turn the shower on as cold as it could go and just stand under the water for however long." He confesses. "It gave me time to think and workout the anger. But after I shifted it doesn't really work. Now, I usually just have all this rage building up and I can't do much about it. Shifting helps sometimes, but the anger is still there. But then I met you." His eyes bore into mine. They're clouded with emotions, each one overlapping together. They stare into my soul and pull at my heart. "I am sorry that I hurt you, I will be for the rest of my life. I'm not the same hotheaded kid I was before, I'm making sure of it."

There's screaming downstairs. Ten. The countdown.


Eight. A realization crosses my mind, and a weight lifts off my shoulders.

Seven. He doesn't want to hurt me. I don't want to hurt him.


Five. "Paul." My voice is louder then I expected it to be.

Four. I had been so angry and afraid of him for all these months.

Three. I had wanted nothing to do with him.

Two. But I'm not afraid of him. And I want him in my life.

One. "I forgive you."

Magic Shop - Paul Lahote FFWhere stories live. Discover now