Chapter 11

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"So, do you think Danny had fun today?" Bruce and Dick were currently in the Batmobile patrolling the city.

"I think so," Dick answered. "After school, we went over to Artemis' house to play Monopoly."

Bruce nodded, "It'll be good for him to start acting like a normal kid again. Did anything else happen today?"

"Well, now that you mention it..." Dick started, "Chad came over to us while we were eating..." Bruce growled, Dick had told him about how Chad picked on him and his friends. "It was just the same kind of stuff, but he poured a water bottle over my head." Bruce was very angry but let him continue. "The crazy thing was, Danny, stood up lightning-fast, and pinned him to the wall. I couldn't see his face, but he glared at Chad and he went running off looking terrified."

Bruce smiled, "He's a good kid. He doesn't mind standing up for himself or his friends. You should take a page out of his book."

Dick rolled his eyes, "If I went around picking fights with bullies, people would be sure to catch onto the fact that I'm Robin."

Bruce sighed, "I guess you're right. I just hate it that you get picked on at school. So, did anything else happen?"

"Well," Dick continued, "When we ate dinner Danny didn't eat very much again."

Bruce shook his head sadly, "I'll give him one more week. If he doesn't start eating more, I'm going to talk to him. This isn't healthy." Dick nodded. Suddenly, the crime alert went off. "Looks like we're needed..." Bruce stepped on the gas.

~time skip~

Man, Gotham was a lot darker than Amity Park. Both literally, and figuratively. There was so much more crime. Danny had been going out on patrol looking for ghosts for over a week now, but it seemed like he stopped more human crimes than ghostly.

Danny had just saved a boy from getting mugged when his ghost sense went off. And it was a big one. He quickly flew into the air and scanned the area. After a few seconds, he saw something glowing off in the distance. He quickly flew in that direction.

The Batmobile came to a stop in front of an electronics store. Some kind of green glow was coming from inside. Batman and Robin quickly got out of the car. "What is that?" Robin said trying to look inside.

Batman glared ahead, "I'm not sure. Be careful..." they went to enter the building when suddenly the entire storefront exploded outward.

A figure stepped out of the wreckage, "I am Technus! Master over all things electronic! Bow before me!"

Batman and Robin threw batarangs at the green-skinned man, but they flew right through him. "What the heck?!" Robin said in surprise.

Technus threw two ecto blasts at them but they quickly dodged. "I don't know who you pests are, but you are not who I'm looking for. I suggest you both leave before I have to do something unsavory."

Batman glared at him, "You're disturbing the peace, we aren't leaving."

Technus shrugged, "If you say so," his hands started glowing even more. Suddenly, wire came pouring out of the electronics store and wrapped themselves around the caped crusaders. Technus was about to give the final blow when...

"Hey! Circuit Brain! Looking for me?"

Batman and Robin watched in surprise as a boy with white hair came flying towards the villain. He punched him straight in the jaw and knocked him into a wall.

Technus smiled, "Well if it isn't the Halfa! Just the guy I was looking for!"

The boy glared at him, "I'm not in the mood for games Technus, who sent you?"

"Now wouldn't you like to know!" Technus shot an ectoblast at him.

Danny didn't have enough time to dodge the blast, so he just turned intangible. "Was it Plasmius?!"

He shrugged, "So what if it was?"

Danny grabbed him by the collar of his trench coat, "Why is he sending you after me?!"

Technus smirked, "He didn't send us, he just told you where you were. We're the ones who missed pestering you. You've made a lot of enemies young man, I'm the least of your worries. Now, does Plasmius have ulterior motives, he normally does. But I have no idea what they are."

Danny glared at him, "You're useless." He gave him one final punch before sucking him into the Fenton Thermos. He quickly formed a portal and sent him back to the Ghost Zone. Hopefully, he would wait a little while before bothering him again. He looked over at Batman and Robin who were still tied up. "Sorry if he caused too much trouble before I got here." He formed a couple  shards of ice and sent them flying at the wires, effectively freeing the heroes.

Batman stood up and glared at him, "Who was that? Who are you?"

"His name was Technus," Danny answered. "As for me," he floated a couple inches off the ground, "That doesn't concern you." Danny was about to leave when...

"What did you do to him?" Robin asked.

Danny turned around, "I sent him back where he belongs." With that, he went flying off into the night.

Batman glared after him, "We need to find out who that guy is..."

As Danny flew home, he thought about what had just happened. He knew that he was bound to run into Bruce and Dick on patrol, he just assumed that it would be a bit longer before it happened. But he didn't worry about it too much. What he was really thinking about, was what Technus had told him.

He admitted that Vlad was the one who told the other ghosts where he had gone, but that's all he had done. They were the ones who were choosing to come after him. What could Vlad be planning...

~time skip~

"Come on Dick! When do we get to meet him?!" Wally complained.

Dick rolled his eyes. He was currently spending some time with the team at the cave. "You guys will meet him eventually; we just can't do it all at once or else he might get a little suspicious."

"What's he like?" Megan asked.

Dick sighed, "I don't know a ton about him." He admitted. "Danny has gone through a lot over the last couple weeks. He's been really quiet and hasn't been eating a lot. I didn't know him before the incident, so I don't know if he was always like this, or if he's just depressed."

Kaldur nodded, "It can be very hard to lose someone we love, I'm sure he'll come around eventually."

Artemis smiled at him, "When we were playing Monopoly, he seemed to be having a good time. He just needs to act like a kid again."

"Wait!" Wally glared at her, "You've met him already?!" he looked over at Dick sadly, "Bro... I thought we were best friends, bro?! You broke the bro code... How could you do this to a bro?!"

"Say 'bro' one more time and I'm going to punch you in the face..." Artemis rolled her eyes "We're in the same class you idiot, of course, I've met him!"

The rest of the team started laughing. Zatanna looked over at Dick, "So you and Bruce don't plan on telling him about Batman and Robin?"

He shook his head. "Not for now at least. Chances are, Danny will only be staying with us until he is 18. At that point, he will probably go back to Amity Park. That's only three years away. Bruce didn't see the point in telling him when he wouldn't be staying with us that long."

Conner nodded, "That makes sense, him knowing, would probably only put him in more danger. He's not a hero, so if something were to happen, he wouldn't have a way of defending himself..."

(A/N - Hey guys, thanks for reading. Stay safe out there. Wash your hands. Stay whelmed and go ghost!)

A New Teammate and A New Family (A Danny Phantom and Young Justice Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now