Chapter 44

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When Danny stepped out of the Zeta Tube, his first objective was to assess the situation. He spotted the Team and turned to Dani. "Stay here, I'll call you when I need you." She wasn't happy about that, but she nodded anyway. Danny flew over to the others. "What's going on?"

"We aren't sure," Aqualad answered. "All Black Canary told us was that we needed to all come to Metropolis. Apparently, someone like you is here."

Danny groaned, "First Desiree, now this..." no one knew what he was talking about. "Listen, I appreciate you all coming out here, but we've got it covered."

Artemis looked at everyone with confusion. "We?"

"Alright," Danny called. "Whoever you are, I'm assuming you are working for Vlad. Let's just get this over with so I can go back to drowning my sorrows in milkshakes and French fries."

"Hey Danny..." he spun around.

"Johnny?!" Danny said with shock. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm really sorry about this dude," he raised a glowing fist, "But he took my girl."

He fired several shots at Danny, all of which he dodged. "Johnny slow down! We can talk about this. Who took Kitty? Was it Vlad?"

He nodded solemnly, "He said he won't let her go until I bring you in. so that's what I intend on doing." They kept fighting.

"Johnny I can help you!" Danny dodged another attack. "Tell me what Vlad is planning and I can help you save her!"

"I already told you!" Johnny yelled in frustration. "He's after some gauntlet that's all I know! And for some reason, he needs you to use it."

Danny shook his head. "Vlad said he wasn't after the Reality Gauntlet!"

"And you believed him?!" Johnny finally landed a punch and Danny was sent crashing into the ground. "You and I both know that he's a liar!"

"Exactly!" Danny yelled in return. "Vlad lies, so do you really think he will let Kitty go if you take me to him?"

Johnny froze, "I..." Danny thought he was coming around. "I... I can't risk it..." he raised his hand to shoot Danny at point-blank range when...

"Daddy!" suddenly, Dani rammed Johnny into a wall and sucked him into a Fenton Thermos. She flew over to Danny and helped him up. "You okay?"

"Yeah." He said popping his neck. "Nice work. Although didn't I tell you I would call you if I needed help?"

She shrugged, "I'm not a very good listener. I get it from my dad."

"Oh, now you're going to get it!" he started tickling her and she laughed so hard she had trouble breathing.

The rest of the team walked over. "Uh, what just happened?" Wally asked watching Danny and Dani.

"We took down the bad guy!" Dani said grinning and tossing the thermos in the air.

She missed catching it and right before it hit the ground Danny caught it. "Honestly, you're as bad as Tucker sometimes..." Dani looked at him sadly. "We didn't catch a bad guy; we caught a friend who was being used by a bad guy." Danny corrected.

"And who is this?" Zatanna asked.

"Hi! I'm Dani Phantom!" she said waving.

"But, aren't you Danny Phantom?" Megan asked with confusion.

"Dani with an 'I'." They answered at once.

"He's my dad!" she said proudly.


"Calm down!" Danny pinched the bridge of his nose. "Awhile back an evil guy tried to make a clone of me. They didn't turn out quite how he had expected." He patted Dani's head. "Dani is the only one that survived. I've been taking care of her."

"You... you're a clone?" Connor said with surprise. She nodded. "Me too actually..."

"That's super cool!" the two started talking while Danny looked back at the others.

"I'm sorry about Johnny." He looked down at the thermos. "He really is an okay guy... but his girlfriend was kidnapped."

"Are you going to look for her?" Artemis asked.

He nodded, "I'm going to try..."

"Let us help you," Aqualad suggested.

He shook his head, "I have to do this on my own. I'm who Vlad wants. Pretty soon, I'm going to have to confront him."

"Are you talking about Vlad Masters?" Robin asked.

Danny rubbed the back of his neck. "It's... complicated. I'm sorry... that's all I can tell you..."

"Danny, why are you keeping secrets from us? We're your friends." Megan said sadly.

"You wouldn't be if you knew what I was..." he sighed and looked over at Dani, "Come on, let's go..." the team watched sadly as the two flew away.

(A/N - Thanks for reading. Happy Halloween! :) Stay whelmed and go ghost!)

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