Chapter 36

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"Hey, guys, what's up?" It was the next day, and Danny walked through the Zeta Tube.

"Hey, Danny! You're just in time!" Wally ran over to him and practically dragged him into the living room. "The show's about to start!"

Danny saw everyone sitting facing the TV as Dick typed on his computer. "What's going on?"

"The Justice League found the guy that hired all of the bad guys," Artemis told him. "They're questioning him down the hall and Robin is going to tap into the security feed so we can see what's happening."

"Why are they questioning him here?" Danny asked.

"They wanted someplace that not many people know about," Zatanna answered. "This guy owns a pretty big company; they didn't want to be seen taking him into the Hall of Justice or something."

"That makes sense." He took a seat next to Conner.

"Who do you think it's going to be?" Megan asked with excitement.

"Not sure." Robin was still typing. "All Batman told me, was that this guy owned a fairly large company. Only, he had never heard of it. Apparently, it's based in Wisconsin."

"Did you say Wisconsin?" Danny asked sitting up a bit. No one heard him.

"Hey Rob, you almost got the feed up?" Wally asked impatiently.

"One second..." he typed a bit more. "Done!" Suddenly an image appeared on the TV. Danny's eyes went red.

"Thank you for agreeing to meet with us Mr. Masters," Batman said on the screen.

"No trouble at all." He said grinning.

"Who is that guy?" Conner asked.

"Vlad..." they all looked to Danny who was seething. Suddenly, he flew out of the room and down the hall.

"We would like to ask you about..." Superman started before the door flung open.

Danny grabbed Vlad out of his chair and pinned him to the wall. "What do you think you're doing here?!"

"Why Daniel, I could ask you the same thing." He grinned, "I had no idea you had ties to the Justice League. Funny, you never seemed like a team player to me."

Danny pushed him harder against the wall. "Give me one extremely good reason not to kill you right now!"

"Please." He snickered. "You don't have it in you to kill anyone little badger."

Danny lit up his hand, "There's always a first time for everything..."

"Danny what are you doing here?!" Batman yelled.

"Don't worry about it." Vlad waved his hand. "Stuff like this happens all the time." Danny glared at him even harder. "Ooh, the scary eyes. I'm so frightened!"

Danny threw him onto the ground. "What did you need those items for?!"

"I haven't the slightest idea what you are talking about." The smirk never left his face.

Danny leaned down and grabbed him by the collar. "Admit it! You hired three super-villains to steal three different items! Not to mention, you've been sneaking into Star Labs! What are you planning?!"

"Oh Daniel," he moved Danny's hand away from his collar. "You always think you have all the answers, don't you? I'm afraid you are only half right."

"So, you admit you hired them to steal it?" Danny questioned. "And you've been snooping around Star Labs?"

"Yes, I do." He stated.

"You're trying to rebuild the Reality Gauntlet, aren't you?!" Danny said with anger.

For the first time, Vlad seemed confused. "Reality Gauntlet? What on Earth are you talking about?"

"Wait..." Now Danny was confused. "But Johnny said... he said you were looking for a gauntlet... What else could that be..." he grabbed him by the shirt again. "Why isn't Clockwork able to see you anymore?!"

He smirked, "Who knows. Maybe he's going blind in his old age."

"Danny!" he looked up and saw the team run in.

"My friend, what are you doing?" Kaldur said with concern.

Danny looked back at Vlad. "Why shouldn't I just kill you right now? It would save me a lot of trouble later on."

"I'd like to see you try." He pushed a button on his belt. Suddenly, Danny let go of him in pain. "I never leave home without my specter deflector."

"Specter deflector?" Robin asked.

Vlad looked at him, then back at Danny who was trying to catch his breath from the shock. "What a minute... they don't know... do they? They don't know what you really are!"

"Shut up!" Danny glared at him.

Vlad kept smiling, "I understand why you wouldn't want them to know. After all, who would want to have a monster on their team? Let alone be friends with it."

"I'm no different than you!" Danny yelled.

"Not quite my boy." He laid a hand on his belt. "If I was like you, I wouldn't be able to wear this belt, now would I?" Danny's eyes widened. "Let's make a little deal, stay out of my affairs until the point when I need you for my plan. If not, then I'll tell them what you really are. Who knows, once they find out your secret, they might just end up like your idiot father."

"Shut up!" Danny punched him straight in the nose and instantly regretted it. An even bigger wave of electricity coursed through his body. A moment later, he passed out. The last thing he saw, was Vlad's face smirking down at him... 

(A/N - Hey guys! Thanks for reading! False alarm last week, my grammar program still isn't working. :( Sorry. Stay whelmed and go ghost!)

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