Chapter 47

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Alfred helped Bruce down to the Batcave. Danny had powers. There was no way Bruce could stop him on his own now that he had been injured. He sat down in front of the Bat Computer and pulled up a feed to the Mountain.

~time skip~

The team had been enjoying a nice sleepover. It had been so long since they had just gotten to hang out with each other. They had tried calling Danny, but he wasn't answering his communicator.

Artemis and Wally were in the middle of an argument when the screen suddenly lit up. "Team, drop what you are doing and get to the park in Gotham City."

"Bruce?" Dick was surprised to see his mentor, not in his uniform. "What's wrong?"

"Danny's in trouble." He answered.

"Why didn't he call us?" Aqualad asked.

Bruce shook his head. "Not that Danny." The team's eyes widened.

~time skip~

By the time the team got there, Bruce had already arrived. Nothing seemed out of place. "Batman, what's going on?" Robin ran over to him. Bruce gave them a quick summary of what happened.

"Danny has powers?" Megan said with shock.

"And he knows you guys are Batman and Robin?" Zatanna said with equal surprise.

"We can't focus on that now." Batman looked at them all sternly. "Danny will be here soon. We must be prepared both for him, and whoever is controlling him. We need a plan..."

"Too late..." Conner pointed.

They all turned and saw Danny walking down the street. Without warning, Dick ran towards him. They all yelled at him to stop, but he didn't listen. "Danny what are you doing? You need to stop."

"Get out of my way." He continued walking.

"Danny it's me!" He tore the mask off his face. "I won't let you go with him. Let us help you."

"Please..." his eyes turned green. "Dick... let me go... I'll only cause more trouble..."

"That's it, Danny! Fight it!" he grabbed onto his arm.

Suddenly, his eyes turned red again. Danny flung Dick off his arm with more strength than a normal teenager should possess. Dick was thrown back to where the team was gathered. Only a well-timed summersault kept him from severe injury.

"I was able to reach him for a second." He said sadly. "He's still in there."

"What are we going to do now?" Wally asked.

Right as Bruce was about to say something, another figure appeared in the park. "Daniel, so good to see you." Plasmius grinned evilly. "Although I see we have some uninvited guests."

"Let go of him!" Bruce glared at him.

"I don't believe I will." Plasmius held the scepter out towards Danny. "None of them have to get hurt Daniel. Simply do as you're told."

Danny continued to walk towards Plasmius.

Robin looked over at Batman, "Doesn't he look like one of the people the other Danny told us about?"

Danny had almost reached the man. Bruce reached into his belt and pulled out the box with the blood blossom that Skulker had used on Danny all those months ago. "Go." Bruce handed Dick the box.

Dick ran towards the figure. Danny was about a foot away from him when Dick suddenly stood in-between him and the villain. He quickly opened the box. The other man collapsed to the ground. In doing so, he dropped the scepter. It shattered as soon as it touched the ground. "I'll... get you... next time..." and with that, he disappeared.

"Dude! You did it!" Wally ran up to him and patted him on the back. The rest of the team was close behind.

"Wait, what's wrong with Danny?" they looked down and saw Danny laying on the ground. He was shaking and spasming.

"Danny!" Bruce knelt down next to him. "Wake up!" he just continued shaking. "Wait..." he looked up at Robin. "Close that box!" Dick was confused but did as he was told. As soon as the box was closed, Danny stopped shaking. "Danny? Can you hear me?"

He slowly opened his eyes. "Bruce?"

Bruce smiled down at him. "It's me, buddy. You're going to be alright..."  

(A/N - hey guys thanks for reading. I hope you liked it. Stay whelmed and go ghost!)

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