Chapter 46

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Bruce walked further into the room. He took a seat on the bed and motioned for Danny to the same. "Danny, what is going on with you? I called your school before you went to Amity Park. They said you are failing most of your classes. They also said that you aren't in the art club. You've been skipping classes. Danny, I'm worried about you."

Danny sat down next to him. "I... can't tell you... I'm sorry..."

Bruce put a hand on his shoulder, "Please, maybe I can help you."

Danny looked around his room, "How do you do it?"

Bruce was confused. "Do what?"

"You and Dick." Danny shook his head. "How do you keep so many secrets. How does it not eat away at you?"

Bruce became very cautious. "Danny, I don't know what you mean... we don't keep secrets."

Danny stood up and chuckled dryly. He tore a page off the wall. "Don't try to hide it, Bruce. If my situation wasn't as bad as it was, we wouldn't even be having this conversation. I don't blame you for hiding it from me. Heaven knows I've kept secrets from you as well. But, now isn't the time. Look..." it looked like he was on the verge of tears. "What I am about to tell you, is completely hypothetical. But I think I need your help."

"Ok," Bruce said, although unsure.

"Let's say someone was kidnapped." Danny started. "What would you do?"

"I would call the police." He answered.

Danny pinched his nose, "No. I asked what would 'you' do?"

"I don't understand..." Bruce was afraid he understood far too well.

Danny stood right in front of him. "Let me make this extremely clear. Hypothetically, if you were someone like, oh, I don't know, 'Batman'. What would you do? Hypothetically of course."

Bruce narrowed his eyes, "Well, hypothetically, if I were Batman, I would hope that anyone who knew about this kidnapping would talk to someone who could help them. Like the police." He said with emphasis.

"I can't exactly report the kidnapping of someone who doesn't exist!" he exploded. He collapsed onto the bed and the tears finally started to fall. "I don't know what to do..."

"Danny, tell me exactly what has happened, and I can help you." He told him.

"I..." suddenly there was a knock at the door.

Alfred walked in. "I am sorry to bother you..." he seemed surprised when he saw the state of the room, but he didn't say anything about it. "Master Danny this package just came for you."

"What?" Danny took it with confusion. He tore the paper off and reviled a DVD. The words 'Little Badger' was written on the front. "Where did you get this?!" he said with horror.

"A man in the cloak brought it to the door. I couldn't see his face." He answered.

Danny took the disk and inserted it into the tv. He sat back down next to Bruce as he and Alfred watched with worry.

An image appeared on the screen. "Daddy, don't do what he says!" Danny's heart sank as he saw Dani, in her human form, strapped to a chair.

Suddenly, a hand was clapped over her mouth. "Hello, Little Badger." Danny glared at the tv as Plasmius appeared in the frame. "While our little game of cat and mouse has been amusing, I do tire of not getting what I truly desire. So, here's the deal, you come to me and I will release this little mistake that you have chosen to care for. An equal exchange, your life for hers."

Bruce looked over at Danny. He was gritting his teeth, and his knuckles were turning white. Bruce had no idea what was going on. That girl on the tv looked like the one who had been hanging out with Danny. Had she been kidnapped? Whoever that man was, he didn't look human.

"Then again..." the man smirked, "I could always just force you to do as I ask..." suddenly, he held up some kind of rod. There was a glowing red ball on the end of it. "Remember this? It took some work, but I was eventually able to retrieve all the pieces..."

"TURN IT OFF!" Danny jumped from the bed frantically. Suddenly the room became very cold.

"Meet me at the park in Gotham City. If anyone tries to stop you, well, do what you need to." Suddenly, a green blast struck the tv and blew it to bits.

Alfred and Bruce looked at Danny in horror. He turned around and met their eyes. He was smiling evilly, and his eyes were glowing red.

Danny started walking through the door. "Danny! What is going on?!" Bruce and Alfred ran after him. "Where are you going?!" Bruce grabbed onto his arm.

Suddenly, Danny spun around and threw him against the wall with enough force to dent it. "Do not try to stop me."

Bruce stood up, "Danny please, what has gotten into you."

For a moment, his eyes flashed green, "I'm sorry..." suddenly, they turned red again. Danny raised a hand and it started glowing neon green. A moment later, a blast struck Bruce in the chest.

"Master Bruce!" Alfred rushed to his side as Danny continued down the stairs.

"I'm okay Alfred..." he stood up slowly. His shirt was singed. "There seem to be several things about Danny that we didn't know..."

(A/N - Thanks for reading guys. Things sure are heating up. I hope you're still liking it. Stay whelmed and go ghost!)

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