Chapter 13

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It had been a week since Danny had run into Bruce and Dick on patrol. So far, it had yet to happen again. Danny didn't want to get cocky, but that was working out for him. The less he could run into them, the better. Unfortunately, his luck never lasted.

Danny had just captured the Box Ghost when his ghost sense went off. He groaned, "Again?!" he went flying off towards the ghost's location.

Bruce and Dick were standing on a rooftop overlooking Gotham Park. Dick sighed as he leaned against the building. "This is so boring... nothing's happening..."

Bruce gave him a look, "You want a crime to be committed?"

Dick rolled his eyes, "You know what I mean..."

Suddenly, there was a loud explosion a few streets over. They quickly fired their grappling guns and raced to the scene.

When they got there, they saw a man with pure white skin, dressed in a white suit and wearing a black hat. For some reason, he almost looked like he was glowing. Other men with green skin were flying around him. They were each carrying a riot shield and a baton.

"Keep causing havoc men." The man in white commanded. He appeared to be the leader. "He'll be here soon."

"Stop this!" Batman threw a Batarang at the man but one again, it flew right through him.

The man glared at him, "Assaulting an officer? That there's against the rules..."

Suddenly, two of the green men grabbed Batman and Robin from behind.

"Hey, Walker!" Danny came flying in and landed in front of Batman and Robin. "Leave them alone, your rules don't apply to them!"

A large book appeared in the man's hands and he started flipping through it. He then glared at Danny. "You do have a point child, they are not in my domain, and they are not one of us." He waved his hand and the heroes were released. He then turned back to Danny, "You on the other hand... while you may only be a Halfa, you still fall under my jurisdiction..."

Danny quickly dodged an attack sent by the ghost. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Batman try to land a punch on one of Walker's goons, but he turned intangible before Batman could connect.

Danny looked back at Walker, "Look, I know we've had our differences, but can't we just bury the hatchet?" Walker sent another ectoblast at him. "I guess not..."

One by one, Danny slowly sucked all of the ghosts into the Fenton Thermos, Walker took the longest, but one good ghostly wail was able to knock him out. Danny sent them back into the Ghost Zone before collapsing on the ground. He was so tired.

Batman walked over and glared down at him, "So we meet again."

"I guess." Danny had his arm covering his eyes. Batman gave him a small shove with his foot. "Ow! Watch it!" he sat up and gently rubbed his ribs. "I think that one's broken!"

Batman continued to glare at him, "And who were they?"

Danny sighed and stood up. He popped his back as he did so. "Ow! Ow! So much pain..." he stood up straight and faced Batman. "That was Walker and his goons."

"And who are you?" he asked.

Danny smirked, "Like I said last time, that's none of your business."

"Why are they after you?" Batman questioned.

Danny sighed, "What is this, 20 questions? Look, the abridged version is that I made them mad a while back, and now they want payback. You might be seeing a lot of people like them. Just ignore them, I promise you, you won't be able to take care of them. Just let me deal with it."

Batman glared at him, "You're attracting these people here. That makes you a risk to my city."

Danny rolled his eyes, "Like you're one to talk. You're telling me, that if you moved to a new town, your villains wouldn't follow you there? I'm sorry, but that's exactly what's happening here. Now, if you just mind your own business, then I promise I'll handle them for you. Okay?"

Before Batman could reply, he had flown off again. That guy's attitude was really getting on his nerves...

~time skip~

"So, who was this guy?" Zatanna asked.

Dick shook his head, "I'm not sure. This was only the second time Bruce and I have run into him. He had snow-white hair, these creepy glowing green eyes, he was able to walk through walls, he could just disappear into thin air, plus he could fly..."

Wally whistled, "This guy sounds super powerful. Is he a bad guy?"

Dick shrugged, "So far he has only helped us take out the guys who were doing bad stuff, but we also don't know his motives. Batman is still trying to figure out who he is."

Megan smiled, "You know, if he turns out to be a good guy, we should invite him to join the team..."

(A/N - Hey guys. Thanks for reading! Stay whelmed and go ghost.)

A New Teammate and A New Family (A Danny Phantom and Young Justice Fan Fiction)Where stories live. Discover now