Chapter 24

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As soon as school was out, Danny made his way to the cave. This had become a daily routine. Now that he was in 'art club' Danny could go wherever he wanted whenever he wanted. When Danny walked into the living room, he saw the rest of the team sitting there. However, they were all in civilian clothes. "What's going on?"

"Danny!" Megan said excitedly. "We are going to the mall today!" She was dressed in her normal pink jacket and skirt, however, now her skin was Caucasian.

Danny looked at her confused, "Is there something happening at the mall?"

"Nah, man!" Wally ran up to him grinning, "We just want to get out of the cave for a while. You know, see the town. We do these kinds of things all the time."

"Oh, so we're just having fun today?" he asked, Wally, nodded.

Conner looked at his costume, "You might want to change though..."

Megan hit her head, "Hello Megan, we didn't tell Danny to bring any civilian clothes! Do you guys have anything he can wear?"

"Oh, don't worry about it," Danny concentrated. He needed to turn himself just human enough that his pants and shoes would change back to normal, and his shirt would become a black t-shirt with his symbol. However, he could not change too much, or else he would be wearing the exact same clothes Danny Fenton always wears. Even worse, he could turn completely human. Luckily, he pulled it off.

"Woah!" Zatanna grinned, "Another power?!"

Aqualad chuckled, "You are just full of surprises my friend."

Danny laughed, "If you say so..."

~time skip~

The team walked through the Zeta Tube and came out across the street from the Happy Harbor Mall. The first thing Wally did upon entering the mall, was pick up some food. The rest laughed but decided to get some lunch as well. Danny just got a water bottle.

Conner looked over at him as they ate, "Aren't you hungry?"

Everyone turned to Danny simultaneously and he looked down. "No... Because of my powers... I only have to eat half of what normal people eat." He answered. "If I eat too much, I get sick..."

Wally snorted, "You and I are going to get along. I eat double the food normal people eat! I can have your share!" everyone laughed.

Kaldur looked back at Danny, "What kind of power would make you need less food?"

Danny rubbed the back of his neck. The team had realized early on that this meant he was nervous. He normally did it when he had to talk about his personal life. "It's uh... complicated... The same thing goes for sleeping and breathing. I only need about three hours of sleep. And, when I breathe, I only need to breathe once every two minutes. However, I make myself do it more so that it doesn't look weird when I'm around other people."

"So, is this what you look like normally?" Artemis asked. "Haven't people wondered if your Danny Phantom because of the white hair?"

He rubbed his neck again, "Actually... when I'm not Danny Phantom, I can change my appearance, people don't even recognize me."

"What do you normally look like?" Dick asked.

"I uh..." he looked down. "I don't want to show you... sorry..."

"Hey, don't worry about it." Megan smiled at him softly. "When I'm in my green form, that's not what I really look like either."

He looked at her surprised, "Really?"

She nodded, "On Mars, there are multiple types of Martians, I'm... a white Martian." She admitted, "On my planet, the white Martians are seen as evil. When I came to Earth, I pretended to be a green Martian so that I wouldn't be sent home. So, if you don't want to show us what you really look like, don't stress about it. You can tell us when you're ready. We won't judge."

He smiled at her, "Thanks, Megan..."

~time skip~

After lunch, the team went and walked around for a bit. They were just about to walk into a bookstore when Danny's ghost sense went off. "Everyone look out!" they weren't sure what he was talking about, but he started looking around very quickly.

Suddenly, a portal to the Ghost Zone opened in front of them. Danny looked on edge, but he sighed in relief when he saw who came out. "Wulf! You scared the heck out of me!"

"Pardonu," the creature replied.

"It's ok." Danny answered. "What are you doing here?"

"Frostbite sendis min por akiri vin. Li diras, ke ĝi estas urĝa." He replied.

Danny frowned, "Frostbite sent you to get me, and he said it was urgent?" he nodded. "Did he say anything else?" he shook his head. Danny looked to the team who was staring at him in shock, "I'm sorry about this, but I need to go."

"Who is that guy?" Wally asked.

"His name is Wulf," Danny replied. "He's a friend of mine. I'll see you guys tomorrow." He then turned to Wulf who opened up another portal and the two walked through. What could Frostbite need him for?

(A/N - Hey guys! Thanks for reading! Stay whelmed and go ghost! See you next week!)

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