➵New Student➵

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Chapter 1
"I don't need anyone."

M/R's pov

I ran. I ran as far and as quick as my legs could take me up this mountain. Daggers and knives were constantly thrown at me - they were easily dodge-able, none of them were too close to me. However, I misjudged the landing of one, and it scraped me on the shoulder, leaving a clean cut. I hissed at the sting and continued to jump up trees for coverage.

Checking the wound, it didn't seem too deep, only an inch into my skin. Not the gravest injury I'd been given. It was fine.

However, my small break wasn't long as bullets began to fire at me. Quickly taking hold of the small, pocket-sized pistol I had, I took my stance and searched for the shooter. My mother.

She never wanted me as her son, claiming I was a mistake and that I caused a great crack in her career. She'd given up on her dreams and took on assassination. At a young age, she dropped me at the doorstep of a military camp, hoping no one would take me in and leave me there to die. Unfortunately, for her, someone did take me in, and I'm extremely grateful. Tadaomi Karasuma, an agent from Japan's Ministry of Defence. I look up to the man as a big brother figure, and promised utmost loyalty to him.

I grew up cold. I trusted no one, no one but Karasuma, of course. Everything I did, I did alone. No help from anyone, no support from anyone. All by myself. It seems sad and lonely doesn't it? Well, for me, that's how I adapted to grow as a human being. Karasuma willingly convinced the principal of this Junior High School to take me in as a student- allowing me to become part of the lowest class of the low- E-Class.

Speaking of E-Class, I'm late aren't I? A silent curse left my mouth as I quickly attempted shooting my mother, finding her to be nowhere in sight. Just a lonely feather sat on the ground. I jumped down and took it into my hand, examining it.

"She always does this, damn wimp." I mumbled as I began to sprint up the hill.

The building looked shabby and old, as if it weren't taken care of. Flowers were planted on the outside and a huge yard (what looked like to be made for training) sat next to it. I made my way to the classroom, opening its doors. I was met with a bunch of students sitting on desks; a yellow octopus-looking emoticon, my brother and another woman, who I recognised to be Irina Jelavić.

"Ah, Nii-san." I said.

Irina and the other students looked at me wide-eyed. I looked at them, cocking my head to the side, "What the hell are you looking at. Did I say something wrong?"

A light-blue-haired student (I couldn't tell whether they were female or male.) spoke up, "You said 'Nii-san' to Karasuma-Sensei. Are you two related? You look nothing alike!"

I rolled my eyes, ignoring him. "Nii-San, here." I placed the feather in his hand, watching him examine it.

"Your mother, again?"

I nodded. Karasuma sighed. "Alright. We'll keep a look out for her. In the meantime, introduce yourself to the class."

I nodded again, facing the class with emotionless eyes, bowing down 45-degrees. "M/R L/N. 15 years old." I said, standing back up straight.

The class just continued to stare at me, and admittingly, I began to feel slightly uncomfortable from all the eyes that were on me.

"Nurufufufu!" A weird laugh escaped from the creature next to me. "Pleasure to be of your acquaintance, L/N, please call me Koro-Sensei. Karasuma has told me a lot about you! Welcome to the assassination classroom. Please take your seat at the back next to Akabane over there."

A hand waved in the air, accompanied by a smirk, "Over here."

I hummed and looked at Koro-Sensei up and down, hands in my pocket. A small smirk formed on my face as I slowly began to approach him, "So, you're the one who blew up 70% of the moon, huh?"

Quietly, I slipped the rubber knife into my hands as I watched him become flustered, "Yes, I am. Now, if you'll just take your seat-"

"I never expected you to look like this." I placed a convincing smile on my face, adding a small glint to my eyes, "That's awesome!"

The knife slowly crept to my fingertips and my grip tightened, getting ready to swing.

"Thank you, L/N! That's very nice of you. I am quite an interesting aspect, ain't I?" He responded, flustered as his skin became pink. I took note of his reaction and walked a bit closer.

Humming softly as if I were inspecting his tentacles, I leaned down, "Heard you move at mach 20. That's pretty fast."

He removed his gaze from me and looked out the window, whistling, "Really, it's nothing special."

I took advantage of his distracted state and quickly swung at his tentacles, slicing off four of them at once. He stiffened and looked at me, clearly in shock. A smirk formed on my face as I stood up straight and began walking to my seat, "We have until March, correct? Let's count down the days until I kill you, together. Okay, Sensei?"

I could feel the air around us become frozen temperatures as the class shivered at my blood-curdling tone. The only one who seemed unfazed by my actions was the red-head next to me.

"That was quite impressive. I did something similar when I came here." He smirked, his chin placed onto his hand, arm sitting up on the table.

"Okay. And? How many did you get?" I asked, not really interested in having a conversation.

He hummed, remembering when he first arrived in E-Class, "Only one. However, I played a ton of hilarious jokes on him which caught him off guard and got of a few more." He snickered, "The stupid octopus didn't see them coming. His reactions were hilarious."

I shrugged and nodded, putting my head in my arms as I watched Irina attempt to flirt with Karasuma. 'Damn girl, back off. He's clearly uninterested.'

The cherry-top male poked me on the side, the smirk never wiped off his face,

"Karma Akabane, nice to meet you, seat partner."

"Screw off, I don't have time for you."

"That's a bit harsh."

"I don't care, I said fuck off get out of my way."

"No you didn't, you said 'screw off', L/N."

I groaned and hissed at him, "I said what I said. Do you not understand Japanese?"

He shrugged, "Never learnt it. Got no idea what you're talking about! Sounds foreign to me."

'This guy is too cocky, people like him really get on my nerves.' I sighed, waving Karasuma over.

He noticed me gesturing towards him and walked up to me, "What seems to be the matter, M/R? Class is about to start."

I softly replied to him, "Sorry, nii-san. But do you have bandages? The woman grazed me on my shoulder, sort of stings."

Karma watched the conversation, amused at my sudden change of behaviour. Karasuma nodded and headed off to retrieve the med kit.

Karma hummed, "So~? Who's this woman, hmm?"

I hissed at him, "Mind your own business, Cherry boy."

He shrugged and began to spin his own rubber knife around, "Sorry, princess."

Karasuma finally came back and lifted my arm up, bandaging and disinfecting the wound. I thanked him with a smile and he went back of to the staff room.

Koro-Sensei then began the lesson and everyone quietened down.

Feathers➵Male Reader x Karma AkabaneWhere stories live. Discover now