➵Save me➵

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Chapter 9
"I'm sorry"

M/R's pov

I haven't talked to Karma since that day. Everything was silent between us. We didn't walk home together, nor even spared a glance at each other. Nagisa hasn't been talking to me as much; he probably only hangs around me when I'm the only one around or when Karma is with me.

God. So useless, aren't I? I ruin everything; no wonder people find it so difficult to get along with me. I'm really just a heartless little fuck that doesn't give two shits. My only two friends had left me.

I mumbled insults quietly to myself as I made my way down the road to my apartment. The streets were quiet yet lines and groups of people passed by every now and then.

Drop, drop.

The clouds began crying down little droplets. It was raining, how great. I'd forgotten to bring an umbrella with me, and I didn't even check the weather forecast today. Suppose I have been getting lazy.

Nowadays, it's scary to go into my apartment alone. Karma has saved me almost three times already that I feel safe around him. The feeling just simply can't be explained.

I turned my key into the lock and opened the door, walking in and closing the door behind me. Home sweet home.

I turned to look at the kitchen where the counters and the seats were. Karma and I ate dinner there, I still remember how delicious it was...

"What has chef Akabane made us today?" I jokingly said, leaning against the counter and trying to get a better look at the dish.

"Wouldn't you like to know? Patience, my prince~," He teased, humming a quiet tune.

I rolled my eyes at the nickname and quietly listened, smiling. Things haven't been this peaceful in a while, nor had I ever had fun like this in a long time. My eyes closed as I relaxed, yawning quietly.

A plate was set in front of me, the red-head looking down at me and proceeding to flick my forehead. "Ouch!" I hissed, looking up and glaring at him.

Karma shorted and chuckled, handing me a spoon and a fork, "Eat up, princey. You've got school tomorrow~"

"Who're you? My mother?"

"No. Your mother is possibly outside of your window right now, how could I be in two places at once?"

"Yeah, you're ri-" I froze and looked behind me, "Wait- where?!"

A fistful of giggles left him as he shook his head, "I didn't mean literally, M/R."

"Fuck you, cherry boy."



"Polar bear."

"Polar- are you calling me fat?"

"What? No!"

➪ I smiled softly at the memory. Yeah, that was fun...I miss him. I miss Karma. I miss his strawberry bright-red hair, his sadistic smile and his annoying personality. I missed it all. Why did I have to snap at him?

I sighed as I slumped down the wall, hugging my knees and burying my face into them. The only reason I came here was to assassinate the octopus, was it not? That was my mission. That was my purpose. Something that in a long time I haven't been able to accomplish, simply because I was won over by words from a teacher. A teacher that just so happens to be my target.

My mind was so caught up over the past events that I hadn't even realised the window was open, a hand grasping my hair and harshly tugging. A scream left my mouth as my hands attempted to push the person off of me. The pistol hidden inside of my sleeves slipped out onto the palm of my hand, hastily taking the safety off and placing a finger onto the trigger. I quickly wielded the gun towards whowever was holding onto me, but the gun was snatched out of the hand and tossed to the side.

My next instinctive reflex kicked in and I kicked myself upwards, wrapping legs around their neck and attempting to suffocate them. However, it turned out that whoever the person I was fighting was skilled and experienced - forcing me against the wall harshly. My head began spinning as it made impact with the wall, my eyesight blurring as I tried making out the figure in front of me.

It appeared to be feminine, a body of that of a woman's. She pressed her arm up against my throat and began to push against it, causing me to gasp and choke out for air. I squirmed and attempted to get out of her hold, but her strength was too much even for me. "Get...the fuck...off of me..!" I gasped, growling and trying to get her off.

She seemed to quietly giggle and press against my throat harder, tears starting to leave my eyes as the fear of death overwhelmed me. I don't want to die. Please don't let me die.

"Is this where you give up M/R? Where you're left all alone. Where you'll die alone."

A quiet cry left me as I tightly closed my eyes and whispered,

"Karma...help me...please..."

The woman only seemed to laugh at how pathetic I seemed to be and looked, quietly taunting me as my vision blurred further. Suddenly, my door was slammed open and the woman was tackled onto the ground. I fell to the ground as the hold on me was released, gasping for breath one again. Huh...This felt familiar.

Slowly, after gasping and panting for air, my dark vision cleared. I could make out colours and shapes now, slowly looking up to see two people struggling and fighting with each other. The moonlight from outside slowly seeped in through the window and onto the two mysterious figures. One was of a woman and...red?

The woman fell over and grabbed the pistol I had previously dropped, aiming it at the other person. She shot yet missed, realising that she might get caught and making a dash to the window once again. Quietly, without a word, she jumped out and was nowhere to be seen. My eyes slowly trailed down onto my arms and own figure, I was trembling.

"M/R? Are you okay..?" A voice softly asked, crouching down in front of me and placing a hand carefully onto my shoulder.

I looked up, "Karma..?" I croaked out, crawling towards him and instantly wrapping my arms around him. Slowly, I began to sob into his shoulder, shaking.

He seemed shocked and surprised at the sudden gesture and sudden new emotion I was showing. Slowly, he wrapped his arms around me and hugged me back, comforting me. "Shhhh...You're okay. I'm sorry I took so long."

I shook my head, "Don't be sorry...I'm sorry..."

Karma chuckled quietly, "Hey...I'm the one who left you even though I was assigned to look after you. If anyone should be taking the blame, it should me."

"Shut up...stupid strawberry.."

He sighed and smiled, nuzzling into me. "Mhm..Sorry.."

"No, I'm sorry.."

Feathers➵Male Reader x Karma AkabaneWhere stories live. Discover now