➵As expected, she came➵

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Chapter 5
"Do you mind staying the night?"

M/R's pov

I walked towards Karasuma's office, taking hold of a pen and doodling on a sticky note.

Irina seemed to watch me for a bit until speaking up, "So, like. Kid? Are you related to Karasuma? You look nothing like him." She asked, "Also. I heard the whole attack that happened in the classroom just a few minutes back. What went on?"

I sighed and looked towards her, "One; no, me and Nii-San aren't related, I just call him my big brother. Two; some crazy bitch threw daggers through the window."

The blonde lady hummed and pointed at me, "Hold on. I know you. You're one of the youngest kids to be accepted into the Ministry of Defence. You're high level on assassination, too. Really fit for this class. M/R L/N was it?"

"Really, I go by M/R Karasuma," I said, frowning. "But I can go by that, too."

"Hard past?"

"Mm, something like that."

"I get it, like, totally. You don't look very Japanese to me, sorry for asking but where do you come from?"

"Not really sure, honestly," I answered, sighing. "There's a lot I don't know about myself."

Karasuma walked in and placed a hand on my shoulder, "That's enough with the interrogation, Irina." He sighed, "M/R. I have hired a new person to watch over you. Unfortunately, you can't fire them like the last one."

I groaned, "Nii-San! I don't need to be watched over. Whoever the hell it is, I'll avoid them."

"You can't get rid of them that easily."

I huffed and rolled my eyes.

"Go back to the classroom, M/R. Learn." He said, looking at me seriously.

I frowned and nodded, remembering that even if I desperately tried, my heart couldn't object him. He undoubtedly saved my life when I was younger, after all.


Time went by quicker than expected. We did a little training with Karasuma and I sat on the sidelines. He gave me a small look whilst some students began complaining.

"Why does he get to sit this out?"

"It's obvious. It's 'cause he thinks he's better than us."

"Just don't look at him, guys."

"Another Karma, huh?"

I looked away, ignoring their hurtful remarks and spun the loaded pistol between my fingers.

Karasuma sighed, "M/R. Do some training. It's unfair to the other students if you are not participating."

"The Ministry of Defense raised me." I shrugged, standing up, "What am I supposed to do? Go off school campus and kill off some people?"

He shook his head, "Alright. Isogai, Maehara."

An orange-haired kid and the boy next to him looked up, "Yes sir?" They both asked.

"Go and see if you can land a hit on L/N."

I sneered, "It's Karasuma."

Karasuma shook his head, "To make it easier for everyone else, we are calling you by your given name.'

"Then just call me M/R." I rolled my eyes, chucking the pistol away into the grass behind me and readying my stance. "Go on. I'm waiting."

The two boys looked at each other and nodded, then taking their focused attention back at me. Instantly, they ran towards me at the same time and began to throw hits. I either dodged or blocked them. I sighed. 'This is child's play.'

That was until I noticed a hooded figure in the trees. My eyes widened as I continued to stare, edging slowly back towards the grass behind me. Suddenly, I sensed an attack coming from behind me. Instinctively, thinking it was an attack from the said hooded figure, I kicked the person after me. It was Isogai.

I bit my lip and ran towards him, signalling Maehara to stop attempting to hit me. My eyebrows furrowed in worry as I checked his face for any serious injuries or bruises, "Hey! Isogai? You okay?" I asked.

The others seemed to look shocked at my sudden concern. I tensed up, remembering the figure, rushing to grab the pistol and aiming towards the tree. My breathing hurried in panic as I realised it was gone. My eyes darted around the area, searching. It was gone.

Gasping for air, I fell to my knees. I hadn't realised I was holding my breath.

Karasuma hurried to my side and held my head onto his shoulder, "You okay? What did you see?" He asked, worried.

Slowly pointing to the tree I panted, "There...She was there...I could've gotten her."

The rest of the class looked at me, confused and slightly scared of my sudden panic.


After training for the class, I packed up my bag and made my way off-campus. A few glares were sent to me from those on the main campus, but I didn't bat a single eye at them. I was, however, keeping an eye out for figures in trees. It was highly unsafe that 3-E's campus was on top of a hill surrounded by endless trees. A great place for surprise attacks.

Two sightings in one day. I'd be lying if I said I didn't feel unsafe. In fact, it was quite the opposite. Unmistakably, terror was struck through my body. Believe it or not; I'm human. A human being that feels fear. A human that can experience emotion. Just because they're rarely shown, don't mean they're not there.

"L/N-Kun! Hey! Wait up!" A voice called out.

I looked back and saw Nagisa running up to me, Karma not too far behind. Stopping in my tracks and turning towards them, I nodded, "Hey Nagisa. Karma."

Karma smirked, "You know, it's unfair that ya get to call us by our first names. Can't we do the same for you?"

I sighed and walked along the path, "I already allow you to call me L/N. Honestly, I would've preferred Karasuma, but we already have Nii-San. So to make it fair, I'll just call you Shiota and Akabane, hm?"

Nagisa pouted, "Please, L/N-Kun?" He pleaded.

I pondered on the thought and shrugged my shoulders, giving up. "You know what? Just do what you want."

The blue-boy cheered and walked beside me, matching my pace. Karma naturally did the same on my right side. Karma hummed, "So? Since when did you and Nagisa start walking with each other? Hm?"

Nagisa grinned, "Just this morning actually! He doesn't live that far from me, I think."

"Just a ten-minute walk." I clarified looking at the shorter boy, then turning my attention towards the taller male next to me. "So. Why're you following me?" I asked with an eyebrow arched.

"Mm, because your beloved Nii-San asked me to keep an eye on you."

My eyes widened as I facepalmed, "You're my new guard?!"

Karma smirked, "I'd prefer stalker, but sure."

We reached Nagisa's block and dropped him off, waving at him whilst walking towards the direction of my home. It was silent for the most part, apart from the sudden dagger flying through the air. I jumped back into Karma's side, gripping onto his arm.

He held an arm in front of me protectively, glancing at where the weapon had come from. I grabbed onto his wrist and ran straight from home, sliding a pistol down from my sleeve to my hand, finger resting on the trigger.

As soon as we made it to the doorstep of the apartment, we panted for air, gradually regaining our breath. Karma looked out through the window for anything suspicious but didn't notice anything. He hummed and looked back at me, gesturing to the road.

"I'm gonna head home. Can't bother you for too long, prince~" He snickered, turning around and making his way out. Hastily, I held onto his shirt, tugging on it. The red-head turned back and looked at me questionably.

"Do- Do you think." I stuttered, looking elsewhere and slightly shocked at what was about to come out of my mouth.

"Do you mind staying over, Karma?"

Feathers➵Male Reader x Karma AkabaneWhere stories live. Discover now