➵An attack➵

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Chapter 4
"Leave me alone, you witch!"

M/R's pov

My head was ringing. Koro-Sensei looked towards me, "What seems to be the matter, M/R?"

I frowned slightly, "I think I have a headache oncoming. We should get inside the classroom, I'll think about what you told me."

He nodded and placed a tentacle on my back, guiding me to the classroom. As we walked in, the others sent glares at and weird stares at me, as if they didn't know how to act around me. Karma and Nagisa on the other hand simply smiled/smirked at me.

Nagisa walked over and leaned against my desk as I took my seat, "What's wrong L/N-Kun?" He asked, watching me as I pressed my hand on my temple. I shook my head, "Headache probably. It'll go away."

Karma leaned against me with his chair rocked to the side and blew on my forehead. I looked at him weirdly and questionably. "To help with your headache." He simply said, smirking at my reaction. He seemed satisfied and went back to his desk.

Nagisa and I looked at each other for a second and shrugged the odd moment off. The blue-boy walked back to his seat as the lesson began.

Everything went by the same as yesterday. That was until a dagger shot through the window, only an inch away from my face. I backed away by instinct, using my arms to push Karma and the other student next to me back as well. The class began to panic as they looked at the dagger, my eyes widening. I knew more were soon going to come, so I shouted loudly:


Everyone followed the instruction excluding Karma and Nagisa. I grit my teeth as I spotted a hooded figure perched upon a branch. "Nagisa!" I called out. He looked at me and hummed. "Go get Karasuma." I said, crouching down as I took hold of the dagger that sat on the ground.

As I inspected it- as expected- more daggers and sharp blades came crashing through. Karasuma ran into the room, a gun in his hand. He scanned the room for a brief second and spotted me, passing my pocket-gun over with a quick toss. I took it into my hands and reloaded it, aiming for where I saw the hooded figure. It was gone.

Only a mere feather remained on the branch.

A groan escaped my mouth as I stood back up, dusting myself off. Karasuma simply told the class to get up from under their desks and praised me from thinking fast. I smiled at the compliment and nodded. Karma waltzed on over to me and had a look on his face. "What was that?" He asked, looking out the window, concerned.

I shook my head, "My mother." I said, disappointed that she had escaped again.

"Well, why did she throw a dagger into the class?"

"None of your business, Akabane."

"Kinda is. I'm part of this class, too, you know? It wouldn't be a massive deal if Terasaka's head got stabbed but my head was also on the line."

The boy, probably named Terasaka, growled at Karma. "Hey, what's the big deal, you jackass?!"

Teresaka then pointed at me, "And that crazy bitch was your mother?! What kind of mental family do you come from? If you're going to cause problems for us, you might as well leave!"

The class stood still as did I. My mind went dull at the insult. Nagisa fumbled with his words, "You can't say those things, Terasaka! He did nothing wrong!"

"If that was his mother, then that was his blood. If that witch is after him, then he is doing something wrong. I say he should leave." The light-green-eyed male spat.

Karasuma struck his hands, "Enough!" He turned to me, "M/R, should we get the Ministry of Defence on this?"

I merely shook my head.

"Then there should be no problem. If she attacks again, she's your problem."

I nodded grimly, looking away at the board behind me.

He sighed and walked on over to me, placing a hand on my shoulder, "If there is a critical problem, just ask for help."

"I don't need help." I retorted back, sneering at the word.

Koro-Sensei chuckled and shook his tentacle at me, "Now, now. Remember our conversation earlier outside?"

I glared at him and sliced the tentacle off, walking out of the room and leaning next to the doorframe. Karasuma groaned and shook his head, "Nothing to see here. Just a junior-high kid that has an attitude and independence problem."

"Isn't independence a good thing, sir?" A girl with green hair asked, tilting her head to the side.

"Too much independence." He sighed, looking over at me.

I shrugged and walked off.

Karasuma's pov

I sighed and shook my head, 'That kid is going to cause many problems, Terasaka was right about that.'

Sugaya looked up at me, "Sir. Is there a way in which we can get closer to L/N? He seems cold and distant; if we were to break that wall we have in-between him and the class, he may open up more." The silver-haired male asked, looking towards the rest of his classmates for any ideas.

Sumire clapped her hands and grinned at Sugaya, "Yeah! It would be great if we knew what kind fo stuff he was into!"

Hinata nodded. "I mean. The person who he seems the closest to is either Karasuma-Sensei, Nagisa or Karma." She added, looking towards the people she mentioned.

I thought for a while, "That doesn't seem like a bad idea."

Hinata smiled, "We have Karasuma-Sensei's approval! Let's tap into L/N's information!"

Nagisa sweat-dropped at all the random excitement, "Shouldn't we get L/N's approval instead of Karasuma-Sensei's?"

The class looked at him as if pondering the thought, then shaking their heads and going back to chit-chatting about the plan. I turned my attention to the red-head that sat next to M/R's seat.

"Karma. May I have a word with you?" I asked.

He looked at up and nodded, standing up from his desk and making his way towards me. "What's up?"

"You've been keeping an eye on M/R as I asked, correct?"

He nodded his head, "Yeah, I have."

"Follow him home today. Or just ask him if you can walk him home. I have a bad feeling and unfortunately I can't escort him today. I have a meeting to attend to." I briefly explained.

He understood and accepted. "Sure thing."

Feathers➵Male Reader x Karma AkabaneWhere stories live. Discover now