Chapter 4

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The next day came like a gust of wind. For the first time since forever, Amelia woke up without any nightmares, any dreams, no more screaming in sleep, no more sweating. Maybe this time her birthday will indeed be special. Filled with new found hope, she walked out of her room.
"Happy birthday!" She was greeted by Gemma, Cathrine and Robin.
"First things first, I'm going to give you a makeover. Of course you are taking the day off", informed a very excited Gemma.
It was a long list, but Amelia had no way of running out of it.
"Okay", replied she with a smile.

"Gemma! If you make this anymore tighter, then I won't be able to breathe!" squealed Amelia.
"Nope. This is perfect. You have to look seductive. Got it? I am the fashion expert here."
"But Gemm, I'll suffocate in this outfit!"
"Girls, can you two just stop the bickering?"
If it wasn't for Catherine, then they would have continued on and on.
"Amelia, you can dress up for one day, right? And Gemm, you can just stop making her uncomfortable, okay?"
"Yes ma'am", replied both the sisters in unison and broke off in laughter.

The music was already too loud for Amelia. She was never really the party person, she never was excited by Friday nightouts. Crowds would only intimidate her. While Gemma would come home drunk, she would prefer reading novels by the fireplace. In fact, that was the reason why she was the favourite girl of her uncle. However, today was an exception. Today she was the center of attraction, all the guests walked upto her, wished her and then continued with their gossips. Gemma did try to make her dance but to no avail. In contrast to the brightly lit, warm room, the outside was freezing cold. Catherine often told Amelia that she didn't like gatherings, that she was so cold towards people because she was born in the winters.
"Happy birthday, love".
"John! You scared me!"
Amelia was always the jumpy one, the scaredy cat and this only made John and Gemma laugh at her.
"I'm so not talking to you ever again", threatened Amelia, while fake punching her boyfriend.
"Ouch", John pulled her towards him.
And like each time, she came up with yet another excuse to avert the situation. She felt bad for John. Afterall they have been dating for 2 years now, she should enjoy his touch. Somehow she didn't, something stopped her.
Dejected, John excused himself, and moved towards the crowd.
After 2 hours of mingling, cake-cutting and dinner, Amelia was exhausted to the gut. But the party was far from over. Ceasing an opportunity, she retired to her room.
A whisper.
Another whisper.
That voice. She have heard it before, somewhere.
"Who's there?" Amelia enquired.
No reply.
Something was not right. Was she dreaming again? Was this yet another nightmare of her? But it felt so real and it started to creep her out.
"John? Is that you?"
Again no reply.
"John, if this is some prank of-of yours and Gemma's, then I swear to God, I'll -"
Before she could complete her sentence, something was forced inside of her. Something sharp. Then it dawned upon her, she is being stabbed. Not once, not twice but four times the knife moved to and fro inside of her. Her white gown was by now covered in pools of blood. With the little energy left in her, she turned around to catch a glimpse of the attacker. But his face was covered with a black robe and it was impossible to recognize the person. Amelia didn't even scream, maybe she was shaken, or maybe she had already resigned to her fate. With a final gasp, she collapsed on the floor, lifeless and cold.

Knock. Knock.
Knock. Knock. Knock.
Knock. Knock. Knock. Knock.
"Amelia, are you in there?"
"Robin, why isn't she replying? She can't be so fast asleep that she can't hear our screams!"
"Catherine, calm down-"
"Calm down? The girl is in her room, who knows for how long. She isn't replying and you want me to calm down?"
It was only after 20-25 mins that Catherine realized that Amelia was not at the party. At first she felt that Amelia had gone to her room. But for the past 5 mins, the entire family is calling her but there was no answer in reciprocation.
"Robin, break the lock or bring a key. Do something. But open the god damn door", the poor lady was panicking by now. And no matter how calm Robin appeared to be, he was also scared for the girl.
After several trials they were finally able to unlock the door and as Catherine rushed inside, "Amelia-", her words got stuck in her throat, and she felt sick in her stomach by the sight that was placed in front of her. Her niece laid lifeless on her back in a pool of blood, the knife was still stuck in her lower abdomen. Her dress was completely torn at the spot from the repeated blow of the knife.
None of them knew how to react. All were speechless, petrified of the truth that lay in front of them. Amelia Rose had just been murdered in her own house!

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