Chapter 9

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"I did this for you. Now you have to protect me".
"You did this for me? You did this for yourself, you did this because you wanted to".
"Look! Me killing her...was....was your call. You cannot backoff now!"
"But.....but the police-"
"If you keep panicking like this, then all my planing would be of no use. Put a hold on your tongue. Now go. Leave!"
Just like in the darkest night, in the silence of the storm, evil was lurking beneath the shadows, trying to camofluge the truth, but unbeknownst to them there will always be a pair of eyes, eyes of the Darkness itself, fixated on them, watching their every move.

"Won't you attend your funeral?"
"Why do you keep coming back? I really don't want to talk to you".
"This is my castle, beasty. I can be wherever I want to be!"
Amelia didn't try to quarrel. Instead she tried hard to ignore the Reaper.
"Didn't you hear what I said,?"
"Yes, my funeral. I heard", replied Amelia, still avoiding his gaze.
"Why are you ignoring me??"
"I'm not. Even if I am, what do you want me to do. Have coffee with my kidnapper?"
"Forget it. You definitely need Google to update yourself."
"Sometimes you speak alien. But don't you want to visit your family?"
"You-you'll allow that?"
Amelia finally looked at him, maybe to find out whether he was being honest or just playing with her emotions, but the Reaper had an unreadable expression. Amelia exhaled, defeated.
One word, but it was enough to make Amelia beam with happiness and thrill. She'll get to see her uncle, aunt, Gemma and maybe even John.
"Really? When? When are we going to my home?"
"Home? I said nothing about going anywhere", seeing a confused Amelia, he continued, "I was talking about your real family. Don't you want to meet your mother?"
As different pages of the same book connect at a point, Amelia too could see the missing dots of her life getting connected. If the Reaper is going to provide her with answers, then she can finally solve the jigsaw puzzle of her life.

Amelia couldn't hold her breathe anymore. She wasn't able to feel anything anymore. All she could feel was void, all her joy, happiness, thrills, nervousness has created this void in her. She was going to meet her biological mother for the first time, who she knew nothing about, except that her mother was a beautiful, kind, caring woman who died of a car accident.
With a mind bestowed with thoughts, Amelia stumbled upon a fairyland. At least she thought it was a fairyland. Never even in her wildest dreams, she could think of a place as fresh as this, full of beautiful and fragrant flowers, birds and the bees. Oh, no, they were not birds. When Amelia approached them, she could see the difference clearly. They were cute little creatures, they were a part of this mystical world that Amelia was now led into. It was the only heavenly spot within the castle of Death.
"Welcome to the Celestial Garden", spoke a young maiden.
"Who are you?"
"Just a nymph", answered the maiden with a beautiful smile.
"I-my mother. I wanted to meet my mother."
"Come with me."
As Amelia walked along with the nymph, taking in the beauty of this place, she was greeted by another man. He was gorgeous, just like all prince charmings from the faritales.
"Lord Lucas. This is Amelia-"
"I know. Leave."
Taking a cue, the Nymph left them alone.
"Amelia, is it? Indeed, the descriptions does no justification to your true beauty."
"I-Are you flirting with me?" spat out Amelia.
"What if I am? Come on now! Aren't I more handsome! What do you even see in the Reaper?"
"What are you talking about? Lord-"
"You may call me Lucas."
"I was told that I could meet my mother here. So, will you please tell me what I should do?" Continued Amelia, ignoring Lucas' previous request.
"Of course."
Lucas gestured with his hand, and pulsing from his fingertips came out a strange, bright light. As Amelia watched it flicker, changing colours from amber to ruby and then back to gold, the light soon took a human form. An attractive young woman emerged from the light.
"Don't you want to talk to your mother?"
"My mother-This lady-"
Amelia didn't know how to react. She always wanted to meet her mother, she had a perfect life, yet she missed her parents. Often she would make monologues in her head of what she'll say when they meet, if they meet. But now that she's standing infront of this lady, she's nothing but tongue-tied.
"Amelia!" called out Lucas to bring her out of her daze.
That was the first time she ever used the word and it was the first time that Amelia felt so heavy in the heart, as if a lot of emotions are fighting in her to come out free.
The lady finally shifted her gaze to Amelia and spoke for the first time,
"How I wish I could hug you! Keep you safe in my embrace!"
That was all Amelia needed to let go of her emotions, and after a long long time she broke down, tears threatening to stain her pink and glossy cheeks.
"Mom-I'm so sorry. I don't know-"
"The people who did to me are not sorry. Then what are you sorry for?"
"Amelia, I am unable to help you. But I'm warning you beware."
With that she left Amelia bewildered with their little meeting.
"She can be free now", commented Lucas.
"Your mother. She couldn't leave her previous body, she couldn't leave her memories behind because of you. Now that she finally met you, she'll be free. Her soul will be free."
"What was she talking about?"
"Amelia, I can't tell you that but we can definitely meet more often", smirked Lucas.
"I want to meet the Reaper. Where is he?"
Before Lucas could answer her question, Amelia stormed out of the Celestial Garden.

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