Chapter 7

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Amelia could only imagine what went wrong. She had a perfect life and now she's kidnapped by the Grim Reaper. What could possibly be more wrong?
"Lady Rose, I bought you something to eat."
"Grace, I'm not hungry."
"Please eat, Lady Rose."
"Who are you? Grim Reaper's PA??"
Amelia couldn't keep numb anymore. She needs answers and she'll get it.
"PA? What's a PA?" asked a puzzled Grace.
"Assistant? Manager? Do you work for him?"
"I don't get what you are saying Lady Rose"
"Aahhh. I mean who are you to him?"
"Me? I'm just another trapped soul", replied Grace with her usual calm smile.
"Trapped? Were you also kidnapped by him?"
Grace giggled at Amelia's curiosity and stated, "You are not a trapped soul, Lady Rose. You are not even a soul. You are still very much a human. I know all this is very difficult for you, but believe it or not, it's for your own good. So please have this meal."
"If I eat, you need to give me answers."
Defeated, Grace agreed to the condition.
"Good. Now what do you mean by trapped soul? Elaborate", enquired Amelia as she fed herself.
"Trapped souls are those who can't go to the heaven or the hell, because of something horrible they did in their past life. So horrible that they can't even enter hell. They need to be trapped in the darkest dungeons."
"What did you do?" yawped Amelia.
"I—No no. I chose this. I was given an option after my death but I chose to serve the Reaper", chuckled Grace.
"How—how did you die?"
"I honestly don't remember. All I know is that I'm from the 16th century and I died an untimely death. Honestly, I don't even want to remember my past life, I'm much happier here. I was given the option to take a new life, but I didn't want to."
"16th century??"
Before Grace could reply, Amelia continued, "How do I fit in between all this?"
"Lady Rose, I cannot disobey the Reaper. Enough of queries for the day. Get some rest. Tomorrow will be a new day for you."
"Firstly, call me Amelia. Lady Rose feels way too formal, and I'm not from the 16th century either. Also let me ask you one last question. This will be the last one, I promise."
"Lady Ros—I mean Amelia, fine, one last question and then you take rest", agreed Grace, not being able to resist Amelia's pleading eyes.
"Aren't you afraid of him? He is Death, the truth that everyone fears. How are you not afraid of him?"
"That's because he does not bring death. He follows it. The Reaper is not an omen of doom, rather he's a guardian sent to protect your soul on its way from your world to the next. The things that wait between the two are—let's say unpleasant. Very very unpleasant."

"Yes. Yes yes, I'll be there, officer. Hmm. OK", answered Robin as he disconnected the call.
"What was he saying?"
"Nothing much. Just that they have conducted the postmortem. Well, they didn't find anything helpful except that the killer must have been a novice. Her wounds are in a haphazard manner. They told me to get her body for the funeral. Poor Amelia—", Robin was unable to complete his sentence, instead he broke down. His dear niece was his responsibility but he failed, he failed his brother and his sister in law.
"Robin, everything will be fine".
"Catherine, I will find the killer even if he's hidden in hell. I will get justice for my child, my dear Amelia."
With that he walked out in the chilly winter evening, to bring back home, Amelia's lifeless, cold body.

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