Chapter 10

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Amelia walked straight to the throne room, where sat the Reaper.
"I thought you'll be happy after meeting your mother. However, you don't seem very happy?"
"We need to talk", demanded Amelia.
"First you walk in here without thinking and now you want to talk. Amelia Rose, I'm warning you for the last time, you follow orders here. Got it?"
"No, I didn't get anything! You brought me here! You messed up my life! Now you'll provide me reasons!"
For the first time Amelia saw a different expression on the Reaper, apart from his stoic stare. He was shocked, because no one talked to him in that tone ever before. Amelia was victorious in her mind, she was able to effect the Reaper.
"Alright. Talk about what?" asked the Reaper after regaining his composure.
"Let's see. A lot of things, indeed. Maybe my mother for starters."
"Be more specific. I don't like to talk that much. So what exactly do you want to know?"
"She told me to be aware. To think of it, even you warned me when I first saw you. Aware? Aware of whom?" enquired Amelia, frustrated with Reaper's lack of interest in the seriousness of the matter.
"You are fragile, Amelia. Fragile and vulnerable. Why can't you see? The answers that you seek lie infront of you!"
"I—Can you answer me properly for once! Please, I beg you don't play with words!"
"If I tell you, will you trust me? How can a human trust Death? All of you fear Death, and now you seek my help! Find your own answers, Amelia. My job is to keep you safe. That's it."
"Right! Why does the Grim Reaper suddenly care about my safety!!"
"I'm bound by my word. Find out what happened 22 years back and you'll solve the riddle."
"Ahhhhhh. Fine, then let me go back to my world."
"I can't. You got yourself killed in that world—"
"Then how am I suppose to find the answers!!"
For once it became clear to the Reaper, that Amelia was a stubborn young woman and there was nothing he could do to stop her from following the truth.
"Alright, but remember you are dead for the world. You cannot be seen by anyone. Also I don't trust your stupidity, so Grace will go with you to keep you safe."
Amelia nodded. This was her only chance to find out about her mother, and something in her urged her to trust the Reaper. Even if he was Death to the world, he was Life to her.

"Hello Amelia", greeted a lady
"Who are you?"
The lady giggled in response.
"I'm Grace".
The lady standing infront of Amelia looked nothing like Grace. Grace dressed like 16th century women, wearing heavy corsets and gowns. But this lady looked more like a modern day woman.
The lady giggled once again and stated, "You honestly didn't think that I'd go out wearing all those garments. I know the world must have changed and believe me, I have no intention to stand out in the crowd."
"It's not that. You don't even look like before".
"Well, I'm a soul, remember? I can possess any body that I like!"
"Possess??" screamed Amelia.
"Don't worry, I won't hurt the body", smiled Grace.
"Okay, it's official. My life has turned into a horror movie."
"Anyways, what's the plan? What will we do once we reach your world?"
"I honestly don't know. Let's just hope we'll find out a way".
"We will", assured Grace.
With every passing moment, Amelia grew more and more sceptical. She didn't have a plan, no clue, no nothing. She was as hopeless as any rookie detective. Nonetheless, she hoped that this time fate will be on her side, that this time she won't get herself killed.

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