Chapter 18

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"John! You have lost your mind!"
"I know what I saw... It was....paranormal..."
"I... Gemma..."
"Nothing happened to her. She has always been afraid of the dark. Yesterday she was alone in the house. Hence, she imagined things. That's all."
"Why are you not understanding? Amelia is back! And she want's revenge!"
"Yes she's back from her grave, isn't it?"
"Shut up, John! Are you hearing yourself!?"
"Listen... "
His words stuck midway as he was unable to breathe.
"John? What happened? Are you okay?"
"Gemma, go in your room."
"John, what's happening? Mom-"
"Gemma, go to your room! Nothing happened to him!"
"But mom-"
Suddenly all the lights started to flicker, all the utensils from the kitchen moved on their own, some fell and broke into scattered pieces.
"What is happening?" asked a beguiled Catherine.
"The... Same thing... "replied Gemma.
"Ghost... Amelia", John was trying hard to frame phrases as he was trying to catch his breath.
"John!" warned Catherine.
"No. You know everything. We killed her and now she's back for revenge. All of us will die. No one will be alive."
"What?" asked a confused Gemma, "Killed who?"
"No one! He's not in his senses!" Catherine tried to cover up the past.
"No Gemma, we killed your sister. We killed her!"
"What are you saying? You killed Amelia?"
"Yes, but only because I loved you."
"What? You killed Amelia because you love me?"
Gemma was panicking.
"Oh my God, John! When? Why? What have you done? She trusted you so much and you took her life! You.... If you were in love with Gemma, you could've confessed. Amelia had a big heart, she wouldn't mind", weeped Catherine, atleast she wanted the world to know that she was sad for her niece's murder.
"What are talking about? I didn't.... We did-"
"Enough!" screamed Catherine, "We need to inform the police. Let them decide what to do next."
"Mom... I too have a confession to make... I'm pregnant... with John's child...."Gemma broke down.
"What? Gemma! How could you? You betrayed your sister even before she died! You betrayed her and your boyfriend killed her!"
"Mom.... I know.. I'm so sorry, so so sorry! I knew nothing about John's -"
"Stop it, Catherine! What are you saying? You already knew that Gemma's pregnant. Not only that-"
"Stop ignoring your responsibility!"
"Isn't this just wonderful!" called out an unknown voice. They were soon greeted by the same figure with no face.
"Who....who are you?" shouted Catherine.
"Can't recognize your own niece, aunty?"
The figure soon transformed into Amelia.
All three spectators gasped. Amelia only smiled.
"This is not true. It's only an illusion. You died!" exclaimed Catherine.
"Devastated that your plan didn't work yet again, aunty?"
"This is not real."
"Keep saying that. I already died, aunty, when that knife pierced through me and when I was lying on that cold hard floor surrounded with blood. What will you do now? Why don't you inform your daughter about your excellent plans?"
"I.... I... "
"Already scared aunty? I thought you were braver than this!"
"Amelia... Look we'll confess.... just let us go...."
"Should I?"
As Amelia questioned them, Catherine was soon elevated from the ground. She cried for help and threw her hands in air, trying to free herself from this strong supernatural hold as she was left hanging up against the wall.
"Amelia.... Let mom go... Me and John are the culprit... Why are you-"
"Really? You know nothing about her, Gemma! It's high time she confesses."
"I.... I will... Let me down..." wailed Catherine.
"First confess."
"Fine. I told John to murder you... It was me all along..."
"That's it? You didn't do anything else?"
"What....what do you mean?"
"You know very well what I mean!"
"Yes.... Yes I also murdered Isabelle... And Benjamin.....what else do you want! Let me down!"
Before Catherine could do anything, she fell hard on the sofa.
"My dear Gemma."
" won't do anything to her... She's innocent..." begged John.
"Innocent you say? Innocent?"
As Amelia walked towards her, something hard hit her at her shoulder- A glass vase. John threw a glass vase at Amelia inorder to disbalance her.
"You... You are bleeding!" exclaimed Catherine.
Amelia turned to see the spot where the vase hit. Indeed it was bleeding, there must have been a deep cut from the hit, the scar will definitely stay for quite some time.
"You are not a spirit!" stated Catherine, "Spirits don't bleed!"
"Always the brilliant schemer, aunty!", Amelia smiled, but her body was going numb due to the pain.
"You never died! You are very much alive! How?"
"Guess I was lucky."
"You won't be this time!"
Catherine jumped upon Amelia trying to get a grip over her.
"Stop... ", John tried to stop Catherine.
"John! Don't be so stupid. Let's finish what we started for once and for all!'
" "
"Mom, stop! Let her go! What are you doing!"
"Gemma, if she lives, she won't let any of us live! Let me kill her for your baby, for John!"
Catherine dragged Amelia to their kitchen slab and stabbed her on her shoulder, the spot which was already wounded. Amelia groaned in pain.
"Aunty... Let me... Let me go...please.. Why?"
"Beg! Beg for your life, but you must die!"
Gemma tried to pull Catherine away from Amelia, but in retaliation Catherine pushed Gemma away so hard that her head hit the wall and she fainted on the ground.
"Gemma!!" screamed John.
All of a sudden Catherine flew out of the kitchen and collapsed on the ground, as if pulled out by a strong supernatural force. Even before she could react, both John and she were tied up together, and strangely it was a rope made of black smoke that embraced them. Everytime they tried to set themselves free, the grip only grew stronger, squeezing them and suffocating them in the process.
"How dare you?" called out a thunder like voice.
"Who.. Who's there?" asked Catherine.
Catherine laughed. She turned towards Amelia and said, "Another game of yours? What is this the set of a horror movie?"
Amelia was still struggling to find her balance due to the immense pain she was under from the blows.
"Show yourself! Or are you human as well, so you can't show yourself! Are you scared?"
They heard an uncanny laughter.
"I'm not scared. But if I show myself, then you will be scared!"
"You can't harm us!"
Another uncanny laugh. "I can burn you down, reap your soul in seconds. However, both of you have a much worse fate to live, until you beg for death!"
"I said show yourself!"
"As you wish."
From the murk, emerged a dark silhouette, a hooded figure with the Scyth in one hand. The entire scene was as if out of an horror movie.
"Who... Who are... You?"
Asked both Catherine and John at the same time.
"The Grim Reaper."
Like that both of them blacked out.
"What just happened?" asked Gemma, "Who are you?"
"Wha... What?"
"Gemma, it's a long story!"
"Thank God, Amelia, You are safe! I was so scared!"
"Are you alright? You fell hard back then?"
"I think so. Apart from my spinning head, I'm fine", giggled Gemma.
Amelia didn't react but Gemma understood her unsaid words.
"Amelia, I'm so so sorry. I know I shouldn't be forgiven for what I did, but trust me I knew nothing about all this!"
"I know."
"Your wound! You are bleeding!"
As Gemma approached her to see her injury, she shrugged and moved away.
"I'm fine, Gemma!"
"Amelia", called out the Reaper.
He was back to being normal, in casual attire. Amelia didn't reply.
"Your uncle will be here any moment along with the police."

"Take them away!" told Robin to inspector Ken.
"Robin-" called out Catherine.
"Shut that damn mouth of yours! Get out of my sight!" commanded Robin.
"Let's go, shall we?" stated the inspector.
After everything was over Amelia had managed to sent Catherine and John's confession clipping to Robin and the police, which she had recorded earlier. The police reached in no time, and Amelia knew that this meant she has to answer numerous questions.
"Miss Amelia Rose!" called out Ken.
"Oh my God! What a plan! The horror effects were just fantastic!" exclaimed Ken. Amelia smiled. Only if he knew they were not effects but reality.
"One question. How are you alive? We did postmortem of your dead body. We had a proper funeral, then how?"
"Because you saw what I wanted you to see", answered Reaper on behalf of her.
"And who are you young man?"
"Believe me I'm way old!"
"What? What's your name?"
"Oh! A very strange name, I must say!"
Reaper smirked as his eyes dilated into complete blackness, as Ken focussed at him, completely hypnotized.
"Alright! The case is solved! Mr. Rose, I'll see to the rest of it. I'll take your leave now!" Having said that Ken left on his jeep.
"What just happened?" asked Amelia to the Reaper.
"Oh! Nothing. He just fell for my charms!"
"Oh my God, Reaper! The cold, scary Reaper was far better than the flirty Reaper!"
Reaper smirked.
"What did you show to aunt and John that they fainted?"
"My real face, one that human's pray that they never come across!"
Before Amelia could ask him further, Robin stepped in.
"Amelia! Thank the Lord! You're okay!"
"Rather thank the Reaper, Uncle, but yeah I'm fine. Really", assured Amelia.
"Good gracious! How could I have been such a fool!"
"It was not your fault uncle. I was a fool too. None of us saw this coming."
"I'm so relieved that you are safe", Robin broke down.
"Who are you?" enquired Gemma to the Reaper.
"I'm fadeup of the same question. I-"
"He's my saviour!"
"What?" enquired Robin.
"It's a long story! Let's get comfortable first", commented Amelia.

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