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Marisol woke up to the blaring sound of her alarm

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Marisol woke up to the blaring sound of her alarm. She sat up and grabbed her cellphone, finding the button to end the awful sound. Feeling a heavyweight jump on her bed, she laughed, knowing very well what it was. It wasn't an it at all.

    "Tala, come here pretty girl."

    She smiled as her sweet service dog found her hand for a pet. She ran her hand through the long fur of her dog and laughed as Tala licked her cheek. Tala howled and Marisol nodded. "I get it, I get it. I'm going too slow."

    Lifting her covers she reached for her walking stick which seemed to be nowhere to be found. It didn't make sense to her; she always put it in the same place. She huffed in frustration as she touched everything around her.

    "Oh, it's right here, Marisol."

    She jumped, hearing Bradley's voice. She relaxed, realizing who walked into her room. He came to her aid, grabbing the metal cane that was on the floor. He handed it to her and she thankfully took it. "Thanks, Brad."

    "Are you ready to go to the park?" Tala barked and Brad chuckled, rubbing her fur. "Someone's excited." He reached to help Marisol stand. 'I'll get your outfit ready and then bring you up breakfast. Do you want anything specific this morning?"

    "Just toast please."

    Nodding, Brad went into her closet, finding her a lovely pink sundress and sandals.  Bradley was Marisol's caregiver. He often helped her get dressed, drove her to places, and read her things that didn't have brail. But even besides being her caregiver, he was her best friend. They legitimately enjoyed each other's company, so his job wasn't all that difficult.

    When he laid out her outfit, he walked downstairs to get some toast. Tala followed him down, whining for some breakfast as well. He fed Tala and huffed, watching her wolf down the food. Sometimes he wondered why Marisol chose such a large dog. Tala was a half-wolf half-dog mix, which was illegal in most states and not exactly favorable to become service dogs, but Marisol fell in love with Tala the day she found her. Ever since Tala was Marisol's protector. Once she was dressed, Marisol came down the stairs and asked Brad to fix her hair, which he did enthusiastically.

    "Girl, you're looking fine as fuck. Speaking of which, we have to talk about this surrogacy thing."

    Marisol laughed shaking her head at her friend. "Are you ready to get going?"

    Brad grabbed the car keys and put Tala's service harness on before leading both out to the car. He drove them to a dog-friendly park where all of them were eager to go exploring. Tala walked as slow as Marisol, always staying a few paces in front so she wouldn't trip. Marisol held Tala's harness so she wouldn't need to use her walking stick. Tala was Marisol's eyes.

    "Are you sure you want to carry some stranger's baby?"

    "Why are you questioning my decisions?"

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