17: First Trimester

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Marisol sat on the porch with Abigail and Irabella. All their mates were hunting. Marisol told Abigail that she should go too, but she insisted on staying. Marisol knew it was because she didn't want to leave her all by herself.

"It's cold out," Irabella said. "We really should get you inside."

"A few more minutes, please." Marisol enjoyed the cool breeze, but even more, she enjoyed hearing the various howls from the woods. She wished she could join them. "Can you see them?"

"No, but we can hear them," Abigail said.

"Can you tell me what you hear?"

There was a moment of silence before Abigail spoke again. "The guards are frustrated because Grey keeps getting their hunt. Nolan just shifted back, and so did Greyson, and now they're fighting, jokingly."

Marisol smiled to herself. She sneezed and both women immediately sequestered her inside. Irabella made some hot chocolate and they all were talking before the pack came back in. Everyone went to the game room. Marisol sat on a beanbag chair, listening to Grey play pool with Nolan.

"Fuck you, Grey," Nolan scoffed. He must have lost.

"Hey, I called winner."

Marisol perked up, hearing the female's voice. She could hear Grey chuckle and agree to another round. Marisol knew he was allowed to have female and male friends. Even she had friends of both sexes, but she kept hearing her giggle and compliment Grey on his shot. For some reason, it felt more like a date than a friendly game of pool. Her heart dropped and suddenly she didn't want to take part anymore.

She stood up and put the blanket back on the chair before walking out of the room.

Greyson furrowed his eyebrows as he saw his mate leave. He put down his stick and followed her out, wrapping his arm around her waist. She gasped but gently smiled realizing it was him. "Where are you going?"

"I'm a little tired," she lied. "I was just going to bed."

"You're lying," he said. "I can hear your heartbeat. Really, Marisol, what happened?"

Her head went down. She was a little embarrassed to say. "You were having a lot of fun with a woman, and that's fine, but it just reminded me that I can never do those things with you. It makes me sad."

He caught her off guard and kissed. When he pulled away, he smiled and pushed a piece of hair behind her ear. "Come play chess with me."

"Grey, you don't even like chess."

She laughed as he pulled her into the game room again. Her heart swelled as she realized...he was gonna lose SO badly.

Marisol laughed as a drunk Grey and Nolan argued about which Twilight movie was the worst. Grey felt that New Moon was the winner while Nolan thought Eclipse was the worst.

"Bro, you are so wrong, right now!"

Nolan gawked. "Are you really gonna tell me you thought Eclipse was a masterpiece?"

Marisol and Abigail looked at each other. "Alright, boys, I think it's time for bed."

Marisol got up with Abigail and grabbed Grey's arm.

"Be glad you're blind," Nolan yelled, "because Greyson's face makes you mad just from looking at it."

Marisol laughed as she said goodnight and helped Grey up the stairs to their room. He fell onto the bed with a loud thump.

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