16: First Trimester

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Marisol woke up a few weeks later, practically drowning in sunlight. Greyson had been working long days, but he still made time for her when he could. Today, he was going to some pack to form an alliance. He asked her to attend, but she worked as usual. They decided that they would do pack things together on the weekends. Grey understood that she had a career that she loved, and so did he. He didn't ask her to change her aspirations. He simply asked that she do what she could for the pack when she could.

When she had to go to court, her hours tended to end earlier than when she had to go to the office, so she would work on pack necessities then. Greyson still handled finances, logistics, and communications, but she was the person pack members would turn to when they needed advice or help with something. It took some of the weight off of Grey's shoulders as now he could entirely focus on the success of the pack.

She got up out of bed and went into the bathroom to brush her teeth and take a shower. When she came out, she called for Brad, who was chatting with Nolan. He passed Grey on the way up to Marisol's room. Greyson scratched his head, watching as someone else helped his mate. He wanted to be her sole provider. He wanted to take care of her. He just didn't want to mess up. He sighed, continuing downstairs.

Brad came in and laid down an outfit on her bed. Tala braked as Marisol came out in a towel and felt for her outfit. She smiled.

"I didn't know what you wanted to wear. I laid out a pencil navy pencil skirt and a white blouse. I put the navy heels beside it, but I know they hurt your feet so let me know if you want me to change them out."

"No, it's fine. Thank you."

Brad nodded before putting Tala's harness on and handing Marisol her walking stick to put in her purse. He left her room only to run into Grey in the hall. "Jeez, you're made of stone," he mumbled.

"Is Marisol your only client?"

"Uh," Brad looked confused. "No. I have a few other people I look after. Why?"

"So if you stopped working for her, you'd be financially alright?"

"Yeah, I guess. But I love working for Marisol, she's my best friend."

Grey looked uncomfortable, standing before this man, asking for help. He had to stuff his pride if he wanted to help Marisol, though. "What if you just stayed her best friend, but not her caregiver?"

"She needs someone to look out for her– you know that. Wait," Brad looked at the tall man with a small smile. "Are you saying you want to become her caregiver?"

"I'm saying that one day I would like to take care of her completely."

"Well, sure. I always knew one day she would settle down and find someone."

"Do you think you can show me which outfits she likes most? And how to dress...women," he grimaced. He felt so embarrassed having to ask, but he barely knew male fashion, let alone female fashion. He felt much better from Brad's encouraging smile.

"I totally can show you how. And, for the record, I think it's really sweet you want to learn."

Before either could say anything else, Marisol stumbled out of her room. "Brad?"

"Yeah, I'm here."

"Can you button my shirt?"

Brad walked over to her and helped her finish getting dressed. As he did so, Grey vanished somewhere, probably to make breakfast. When they got downstairs, she could smell the crisp scent of bacon, and her stomach turned hungrily.

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