II - Water Drop

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Disclaimer: as the same as the prologue

Ten minutes after Charlie had left I grabbed all I had to take for school and went downstairs, I took the twenty dollar that he left for me and walked out fo the house.

I locked the door whit the keys to then sauntered to my beloved red truck. I really love that old pile of metal scrap, I really do.

I almost tripped over myself trying just to walk, and that's one point to my clumsiness... When inside of the truck I turned on the engine and right afterwards the radiator, I was freezing already and some warmth wouldn't be so bad. I geared up and I was off to the road driving towards my now not so new school.

Almost the whole ride I spent it in silence, I just once turned on the radio to see if I could find some music, but alas the luck wasn't to my side today.

When I arrived at school I found almost all the parking lot empty, so it was easy for me to find a space for my vehicle. I went out of it and started walking in search of a wood bench, o simply somewhere where I could read a bit... The rain has decreased until it completely stopped fortunately for me.

As I found a bench, first I made sure that my jacket would cover the wet wood so that my clothes could not get stained. After I did that I set down and took my book out of the backpack. I started reading it and I most likely lost track of the time, because first thing I know there's Mike calling my name and waving at me. As I watch him get closer I can't get out of my head that he looks to much like a puppy, 'He isn't really my type' I mulled in my head, 'Yeahhe is not even closer to my type...'

Then again, do I even have a type?

"Hey girl, what are you doing?" Today he really seemed in a good mood.

"Hey Mike, nothing special, I'm just reading a book...you jast got here? Have the others have arrived?" I asked, not really looking forward to be alone with him, I mean he really is a good guy but we don't have much in common... And I don't want him to try again to hit, not after he started going out with Jessica, that wouldn't be right in her regards. And it would be awkward for someone who's already socially awkward.

"No, but I think they are about to arrive, I really don't think that any of them wants to be late for our first class." Was his statement while looking around us to see if he could eyeing any of our classmates.

"Good point" I agreed

"It's really a shame that it stopped raining..." He scratched the back of his head.

'This was his choice of argument... the rain, really?' Was my first thought.

"It's really not..." I murmured

"What?" He asked, obviously not having heard what I said.

I took a deep breath before answering "I think it's better this way, or we wouldn't be here talking." I gave him a fake smile, all I wanted was that school started so it could also end the sooner as possible so I could go home.

And so I spent five minutes of my life arguing with what I supposed I could call friend about whether or not rain it was to consider good weather. I obviously consider rain not at all good weather. But you know, not always people are on the same wavelength.

We have been interrupted in our discussions by the voice of Jessica calling us and telling us that we had to start going to class, she was already ahead of Mike and me.
Once inside the building we went to our first class, and to that the day went on, went on until it arrived the time of Biology class.

Once I stepped inside the classroom and brought my gaze to my desk my heart stopped and I froze.

N/A I apologize for eventual mistakes but I'm trying to do my best

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