XIIII - Thinking Of Her

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Disclaimer: As the same as the prologue

After I finished my coffee I went straight home, I didn't want to run again into one of the Cullens or any of their friends, least of all Miss.Denali.

Even though, if I had to be honest, strangly there was a smaller part of me that wanted me to admit that it hasn't been so bad the time spent with her and all her attention in my regards, plus she also saved me from what it could have likely ended as my death .

For all my ride until home, the sensation of her hand on my back and forearm stayed. My skin tingling as if she had in some way gave me an electric shock. It was a strange feeling, but not unpleasant... I didn't know why my skin react in this way to her, but one thing was sure, just her touch gave me that sensation, no one else does.

As I was entering the living room I kept thinking over and over this new discovery. It was something bad? Something I should be afraid of? I don't think so... My whole being is pleased of this sensation.

I frowned. Then if I'm about to consider this feeling good... Why am I still so afraid of them?

Her strength was ridiculously strong, and okay that I have the the strength of a mosquito, but her hand wasn't even giving any sign of me trying to break free. It was like an iron grip.

To not even mentioning the coldness of her body that irradiated into mine. What was she? A living dead?

Her skin, so pale, almost translucent... Her eyes more shimmering than a gold nugget...

So perfect.

And so inhuman...

A shiver whent down my spine, bringing me back to reality.

I went upstairs to take my texts books and all the things I needed to do my assignments, after I took everything I returned downstairs and in the kitchen. I sat in one of the two chairs and started doing my homeworks... I don't know how much I stayed there, trying to focus on doing them, my mind keeping to go from Miss.Denali and how much she makes me uncomfortable at how much my body longed her touch.

At the end I heard the sound of a Cruiser pulling in next to my truck. I lifted my eyes on the clock hanging on the kitchen wall and 'What? It's already time for dinner?' I was incredulous, did I just spent the whole afternoon thinking of my Professor?

Yes I did.

I groaned as it also occurred to me that my homework were still not done.

As my father entered the house I took my things from the table and brought them in my room, to then return down to prepare something to eat.

Charlie and me spent dinner in a comfortable silence, and after Charlie offered himself to helping me in washing the dishes, I was grateful to him because I was really tired, and the only thing I wanted was to go to bed.

And so I did, after having wished my father a good night obviously.

As I was drifting to sleep, the last thing I saw was a pair of golden eyes staring at me, then it was darkness.

I woke up the day after with a big headache. I winced as my window was open and so all the cold was entering my room, 'Did I left it that way yesterday?' I stood up and went for closing it.

As I walked downstairs i greeted my father, who was already watching the game at the TV... 'How long have I stayed asleep?' I looked at the clock and saw that was past noon. "Uff... Perfect" I mumbled.

"Hey Dad, do we have something for the headache?" I enquired walking to where Charlie was.

"Yes, there is a box underneath the sink in the bathroom, there you should find some pills..." With his head he nodded towards the bathroom.

"Thanks..." Without waiting for any kind and of answer I paced to the bathroom, and after having found the pills I also discovered that they were expired. Great...

"Today it will be a great day... "

N/A I apologize for eventual mistakes, and for the shortness of this chapter :')

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