XVI - Electricity

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Disclaimer: I don't own any of this Twilight characters

Golden eyes now black...

Or she wear contact lenses or I don't have another logical explanation for this.

Those eyes were so different so hungry for something, so full of secrets... So mysterious.

It is possible for the human eye to change colour? I don't think so...Or she is inhuman or I really-

"So it's okay for you Bella?" Mike's voice brought me out of my much more important thoughts and back to the reality of what was lunch time.

What were they saying? "What? Sorry I zone out..."

"La Push, next weekend, are you in?" His face twisted in an expression of fear, fear that I would back down.

"Oh, yes sure" I stated, reassuring him.

"Great!" now on his face was a huge grin, literally that grin went from one ear to the other. Not even a man who's girl accepted his proposal of marriage would smile so much.

For the remaining part of the lunch I spent it trying to stay in the conversation with the others and not thinking to Miss.Denali's eyes and their odd change of colour.

After lunch I had Biology, and you all know what it meant.

As I sat down on my stool besides Edward I tryed to suppress my shivering and feeling of threat.

To be honest I was surprised to feel so strongly in danger with him, when not even more than a couple of hours ago I felt half of the fear that I was experiencing now.

Then a thought came to my mind... I never glanced at Edward in his eyes directly, usually I always avoided making eye contact with him. So behind my curtain of hair I tried to peer to his eyes to then discover that he was with his head turned in the other direction.

I cursed under my breath.

"Excuse me?"

"What?" I turned my head around to see black eyes.

"You said something." Edward repeated himself.

"Oh um... I was just thinking out loud, nothing more" did I cursed so loudly? Matter not, now I saw his eyes and they were black... Exactly like Miss.Denali's ones.

The rest for the hour we spent it ignoring the one another... Or at least he ignored me, I on the other hand I elapse the time glancing at his eyes and his flawless feature, something wasn't right about him... About all of them.

I could feeling it.

When the bell rang we all got up and went to the next classes. And so went on the day.

The moment that I more dreaded arrived, and so, when all classes were ended and after have said goodbye to my friends I made my way to the History of Art classroom.

As soon as I reached the door knob, the door opened and on the other side of it was standing Miss.Denali, in all her glory and terrifying beauty.

I swallowed hard.

"Bella, I was waiting for you" a smirk was playing on her lips.

'Oh gosh, what she mant with that?'

"Please come in. We don't want to waste any more time." She stepped aside of the door, leaving so a passage for me to enter the room.

I did as she told me, the space for walking inside of the classroom was just enough for my arm to briefly brush against her arm.

And for a second i felt like if electricity was spreading through my body.

I stood there for a few seconds, hypnotized by that feeling, that pleasant feeling.

A feeling that was warming up my entire body, electricity running through my veins.

I was looking where our arms where touching, lost in my mind and in those sensations.

When I realised that none of the two was saying anything for the past fifty seconds, I lifted my head up, onliy to be greeted by those beautiful and at the same time so strange eyes.

A gentle smile was on her face.

The moment ended as Miss.Denali walked away and sat down on her chair.

"So... Do we get started?"

N/A Hello everyone! I'm still alive yay ahah, I apologize for the waiting... Anyway this is the chapter, I hope you'll enjoy it! + I apologise for eventual mistakes. :)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2020 ⏰

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