III - Overwhelming

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I was making my way out of the English class to than go to lunch with the company of Jessica and Angela, we were as usually chatting emely when we arrived at the cafeteria of the school, and my sight automatically went to the table were the Cullens usually sit. As I saw that one of them was missing I exalted a breath I didn't know I was holding.

He was not here...

He was not here, I thought to myself before being snapped out of my "trance" by Jessica's fingers snapping in front of my face.

"Bella, earth calls Bella, what do you take to eat?" Right what do I want to eat? It's not like there's that much of a choice, but I think I'll go for a...

"I think I'll take the salad" I really didn't cared about the food in this moment, I was too happy to even give it the minimum importance.

"So... What had you so wrapped around earlier?" Asked Angela, obviously with a hint of curiosity in her voice. When I first met her she would barely speak to me, and now instead she was completely open with me. Sometimes, if I had to be honest I consider Angela a better friend than Jessica... But this the both of them don't need to know it.

"Isn't it obvious? She was staring at the Cullens, again" Was the fast answer at Angela's one.

"I wasn't staring..." I objected

"Oh yeah? What you were doing then?" Persisted Jessica, not wanting to leave the subject.

"Jess come on." Was the vain intervention of Angela.

I really didn't know what to answer, so I went for an half truth "I was just checking something"

"Something or more like someone?" She asked with a smirk on her face, one of that typical faces that thinks to know everything... But actually they don't.

"Come on you can tell us if you have a crush on one of them, we won't judge you, since they're so attractive it would be normal for someone to have a crush on one of them." Angela in the meantime stayed silent.

"I can assure you Jessica that I don't have a crush on any of them" my voice firm

"Mh mh..." She just answered... If that was to consider even an answer.

After that the three of us went to our table, where we spent the whole time of the lunch, chatting between friends, I sometimes would glance back at their table, just to make sure that he wouldn't appear out of nothing.

When the bell rang we all got up and made our way to the respective classes, I had Biology with Mkie, so we walked until class talking... He was telling me that he would like to organise a trip to someplace one of those days, and I agreed to come with them only if the weather was going to be good. With that I meant a really sunny day. Something I consider impossibile to see here in Forks.

Once we stepped inside the classroom and brought my gaze to my desk my heart stopped and I froze.

Sit on the other side of it was him, Edward Cullun.

He was gone for more than two weeks, and today he wasn't at lunch... How?

Hastily I went across the room to than sit at my place, besides him... I didn't say hi to Edward, fear was already making his way to block every my actions. Goosebumps were crossing my whole back and a really unpleasant feeling started clenching at my stomach. In other words it was pure fear...

I was scared of Edward Cullun yes, I don't know why but since my first day in this school I feelt like if I'm the pry and he is the predator. I'm always feeling like an ant and he a giant that could crush me and my whole body if he wanted to...

Was my fear in his regards established? I don't know and I really didn't cared to discover it now.

Fortunately for me we never talked much, and if we did was for the assignment that our Professor gave us. If it wasn't for that I would never tried to talk to him, nor any one else of his family.

I don't think that they are freaks, I would never do an assumption like this without knowing any of the members of that family, I think of my feelings as my problems... Because it must be, since everyone instead seams to find the Cullens all so attractive.

Yeah the problem must be in me...

If I had to be honest they are too perfects too flawless ot be even considered humans, and this in another thing that threaten me, absolutely absurd right? Yeah it's what I  too thought. But as I said before I really don't-

"Could you please stop?" A masculine and irritated voice snapped me out of my train of thoughts.

"Sorry?" I asked confused

"Your foot...please stop tapping it on the ground"

I felt my cheeks went red before acknowledging that I was indeed tapping my foot repeatedly on the floor, so I forced myself to stop. "Sorry..."

I had no answer in return, and so the whole lesson we spent it in silence, and with me not being able to concentrate on my assignment.

When the lesson ended I was the first one to leave, and also the only one to almost trip on herself on the door step. Anyway it was over, not school but Biology and that was the important thing. Now I had gym, which I spent it trying to not kill anyone playing Woolley Ball, fortunately some angel must wants me good because the lesson ended before I could even know it.

Exiting the school I went straight to the packing lot and to my truck, I was in the inside of it when I saw a Porsche arrive. And already I had an idea of whose that car might belong to. The only one who has expensive cars are the Cullens... But I never seen this one before, I waited before leaving to see who might be.

I saw Edward going towards that car, when he was there the door of the Porsche opened and in a way too smooth for every humans a woman exited it.

She was beautiful... More beautiful of the others.

As she was taking in her surroundings she turned her head towards me and our eyes met for a fraction of seconds.
She.. She has golden eyes? What? How? I immediately looked another way, the feelings of fear was once again overwhelming, I couldn't control it. So I actioned the engine and drived out of the parking, before doing so I catched with the tail of my eyes that beautiful woman kissing Edward. And with fear I also felt some kind of what was it? Jealousy?

"Stop being ridiculous... You can barely stay near one of them... Why would you feel jealousy?" I trailed off, deciding to turn on the radio and even if there wasn't anything to really listen to, it was a good way to distract myself.

The rest of the day went on without any further problems... Just when it came the time for sleep, I dreamed for the first time in ages, I dreamed of two pair of beautiful golden eyes.

And the thing scared me.

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