XIII - Coffee Shop Pt.2

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Disclaimer: as same as the first chapter

"Where are you going?" She enquired, getting a foot closer to me.

"Umm... I was in search of a coffee shop..." I got one step back

"Perfect, I just happen to know where is one, I'll come with you" Miss.Denali took my hand in hers and started dragging me in some direction, my brain in the meantime had decided that was time to shut down.

'Oh Lord please no'

I tried to free my hand from hers, but it seemed a lost battle. 'How strong is she?' I questioned as her hand wasn't giving any sign of me trying to break free.

And bigger problem how am I supposed to turn her down about the coffee? In a polite manner?

I halted myself and that made Miss.Denali stop as well. She turned around and observed me with a quirked eyebrow "Are you okay, something wrong?" She coaxed.

I took back my hand in that moment, and I noticed a bit of what? Disappointment in her eyes.

Uncertainly I suck up some air in my lungs and eventually spoke again. I was going to tell her that I didn't want her to come with me and that I could go by myself. I mentally crossed my fingers and hoped. "You see, I was actually going by myself..."

"Oh, I understand" She really? "Well its really just a few streets away, let me at least show you where it is. So I also make sure that you won't die by crossing the street like you did before." In this last sentence was a hint of playfulness, my cheeks went flaming.

Not only I was uncomfortable with her presence, but now I had also to feel embarrassed... Why me again?

"You're cute when you blush Bella" She chuckled.

I was perplex, how does she know my name? I haven't told her yet. "How do you know my name?" I inquired scowling

For one second I thought I saw a gimp of panick in her eyes, but as soon as it was there it has disappeared. "Oh well, Edward told me" She admitted.

'Edward?' In that moment it came back to my mind the first time that I saw Miss.Denali, it was at the parking lot, and Edward and her were... Well I shouldn't have seen that...
To the pit of my stomach I felt something as the memorie of them sharing a kiss was floating in my mind, I can't explain why, but thinking of that moment makes me want to scream. To say no stop.

I suppressed those feelings.

"You okay Bella?" Her voice had a note of concern in it.

"You seem asking me that a lot" I replied shrugging "I'm sorry I just zone out... It happens sometimes." I explained

"So umm... Why are you wearing that turtleneck, are you cold or?" A smirk was gracing her flawless lips and a hint of malice was in it, as if she already knew why of my choice of clothing.

I accidentally touched the spot between my neck and collarbone, exactly where the bite mark is, I could still feel my skin itching from it. And before I could even formulate an answer the woman took again my hand in hers and started walking again, basically she was dragging me.

"Let's go, so you can full fill your desire for coffee." She looked behind her shoulder as I didn't reply. But what could I have said? I already told her that I wanted to go alone, and that didn't worked. So now I was supposed to tell her that I wasn't confortable with her presence? How can someone tell something like that to anyone?

We walked in silence, my hand fighting for being released, and at one point she did loosened her hold on mine, that gave me enough time and space to take my hand back.

After what it felt like forever, even though I'm sure was just a few minutes, we arrived at the infamous coffee shop.

As we entered it the bell over the door pinged, informing so that someone has arrived in the shop. A woman was standing behind the counter and as we approached her a smile grew on her lips. "What can I do for you two young ladies?"

Tanya softly nudged me and I hurried to order something. "Hum, a Macchiato please"

" Right on it's way, and you?" Now she was addressing to Miss.Denali.

"Oh I won't take anything thanks"

"Okay, so just a Macchiato then. I'll be back soon." and with that she turned around and started working on the preparation of my coffee.

"Why don't we have a seat while we wait?" Miss.Denali offered, placing a hand on my back to guide me to an empty table for two. The tuch of her hand against my back made me just more uncomfortable than I was before.

Why did she had to touch me so much? Was she a touch person?

As we sat down a phone started ringing, I took out mine from the pocket of my jeans but it was turned off. Then I heard Miss.Denali slight grona. "I'm sorry Bella, but I'm afraid I have to go... It was nice anyway, and I'll see you anyway on Monday." She got up "Remember to watch both ways before crossing the street." She added as she was walking towards the door. I heard her saying Kate before being completely out of the shop.

I exalted a breath of relief, now starting to relax.

God she was so persistent...

"Here is your coffee love" I was brought back to reality as a cup of steaming coffee was placed in front of me.

"Thanks" I gave a smile to the older woman to then bring the cup to the height of my lips, I lightly blow on it and then drank it. Yes, I think now I can relax a bit.

N/A As always I apologize for eventual mistakes :')

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