XI - Pleasant Dream

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Disclaimer: as the same as the prologue

I was in a forest, it was night and the sound of waves crushing again the cliff was filling my ears. I was near the place I was in the previous dream, I could recognise it. The place was as dark as was the previous time, the moon did little work for enlighten the forest. Now I was just waiting for the inevitable to happen, I was waiting for the yellows eyes to appear.

I waited

And waited

And waited

And waited...

But nothing, maybe this was a different dream? I didn't know. Maybe tonight that create wouldn't showed up, I hope so. The greenwood for how little I can see seams absolutely mesmerising, it's a shame that this is the placement for a nightmare...

I started walking in a random direction in the forest, maybe I was getting deeper inside of it, I was only certain that the sound of the waves was getting deadened.

I didn't know what to do if not walking, this dream was different from the others, there was no fear in it... No need to run away, to escape from someone.

As more I was entering in the heart of the forest and more I felt the sensation that I wasn't alone, but it wasn't an unpleasant feeling no, actually it was comforting. I never felt this confortable since I arrived here in Forks.

Then the swish of the bushes came to my ears.

At this point was clear to me that I wasn't alone here anymore, so I stopped in my tracks and started watching around with my head, hoping to get a glimpse of who or what it might be.

"Who is there?" I spoke up as I heard another swish from behind my back. I turned around to see a figure of a woman coming my way, when I recognised her face I gaped.

"Miss.Denali" I spoke to her, even if I was aware that she may or may not answer, all dipended from the will of my brain, since it was all a dream, right?

She kept walking towards me, not answering me, eyes down on the ground, when she was a good five feet apart from me I started to back away, but she continued to coming in my direction.

Then I felt the hard trunk of a tree collide with my back, I didn't have any more space to get away from her. And only when she was basically pressed against me and had me pinned by the waist to take me in place, only then she lifted her eyes on mine.

Her eyes were pitch black.

She removed a hand from my hip and she softly pulled away some hair that was covering my neck. She was getting closer to it, I could feel her cold breath on my warmer skin... I didn't know what she wanted to do but in that moment I would have let her do whatever things she liked to do to me.

I felt here teeth barely caressing my skin, yeah this dream is far more pleasant than the others...

I closed my eyes, a strange mix of feelings playing in my inside.

And as soon as I felt her teeth getting deeper in my flesh I was well awake.

I groaned as my eyes were hitted by the rays of the sun, and with one motion I took my pillow and pulled it over my face... Only after a few seconds the dream occurred back to me.

I bolt upright on my bed, my face red of embarrassment, I dreamed of my Professor... O god.

Feelings were coming back to me, and a sensation of arousal was making himself hear in I don't want even say where...

'I need a shower. I long cold shower' I arrived to agree with myself, so I exited my bedroom and went to the bathroom, fortunately today was Saturday, so I could do everything with more ease.

As I said I took my time in the shower, and when I finished I went to take my towel, but as I was bending down to take it my hair budge exposing the the place between my neck and the collarbone, and there, there was a mild bit mark.

N/A I apologize for eventual mistakes <3

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