VII - Tears In The Forest

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Disclaimer: As same as the prologue

It's been a couple of weeks since the strange occurred of my homework. But since that day nothing more happened thanks to god. I obviously made no word with no one of what had happened, because I think that no one would believe me. Sometimes it's too absurd for also me to believe it.

In this two weeks I also managed to not speak to Edward, so I was pretty cool with it, no talking is the equivalent of no interaction, no interaction is the same as no fear.

I had to be honest, i really didn't know why I have this unstoppable fright in their regards. Why can't I see them as the others see them? Why can't I see the gods that everyone are so eager to talk about? I can't see all of this...

'Wait...' In that moment I my brain thought back of that pair of golden eyes belonging to that woman with Edward. Just the thought made my skin crawl in fear, but at the same time I felt something, different? Something like a pull towards her thought. Like if the only thing that my brain wanted to do was thinking of her...

"Nonsense" I shook my head to then rub my eyes, tiredness was clancing at my whole body.

Fortunately for me it was night, and I was about to get under the covers of my bed. Also, I'm ready for another dreamless night, or at least this is what I was hoping for. I don't know why but I had the sensation that that wouldn't be the case.

As I closed my eyes I could feel my whole being drift to sleep.

I found myself in a forest, this time wasn't like the other it was a different one... I wasn't alone this was for sure, as I heard steps coming towards me. I waited, maybe it was just an animal? I waited until a pair of shimmering eyes appeared, I started to back away then suddenly those shining eyes sprinted towards me in a dark blur. As soon as this happens I myself started running.

I runned and runned through the forest, that dark shadow getting every time more closer to me. Tears were running down my cheeks, I wanted to scream, to ask for help. But I couldn't. It was dark, too dark for even knowing where I was heading to. But it didn't matter, my whole body was screaming danger so I kept going and going, until at one point I didn't felt the ground under my feet. I was falling form a cliff.

Before hitting the water I opened my eyes and found myself half standing on my bed.

I was completely covered in sweat.

I got up and did all the things I had to do to prepare me for school, it was actually earlier that the usual but I didn't want to stay home, so I went downstairs and left a note for Charlie to read, the note was saying that I went to school earlyer this morning.

I walked over to my truck and activated the engine to then drive slowly toward school, I was in no hurry, but even if I driven slowly I arrived as the first person there, and since it was cold and I didn't want to wait for the others to arrive in my truck, I hopped down and made my way in the inside of the school.

I politely said hi to the Professors that were already in the school and continued walking towards my History of Art class. I wasn't really paying attention to my surrounding, and this involved me bumping against someone hard, so hard that my hands released the book that I was currently reading and fell down with a loud thoud. I crouched down not having yet looked who I bumped into. "O my god I'm so so sorry, I-I wasn't paying attention to where I was going and..."

I was cutted off from what it must have been the most beautiful giggle I have ever heard in my life.

"Now now, there's no need to apologise."

As I lifted my head up to see the source of those melody like words my eyes widened.

N/A I apologize for any mistakes

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