VIII - History Of Art

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Disclaimer: as same as the prologue

As I lifted my head up to see the source of those melody like words my eyes widened.

In front of me was none other but the golden beauty, her eyes were directly locked with mine.

My head shut down, completely. A mixture of feelings were floating in the inside of my body, one half of me wanted to run away from her, this part of me felt pretty threatened from her and those mesmerising golden eyes. The other half wanted nothing more than to be hugged by the arms of this strange woman.

"Are you okay?" She asked when I didn't said anything for what it felt like an eternity, just staring at her. My two half fighting for dominance, and until now, the threatened part was winning, as always I might say. If she was with the Cullens then why should be different my reaction at staying near her?

Besides, now that I was thinking about it, she was the only aside from me when at Biology that I ever seen interacting with them...

I mean I was forced to interact with him, but besides me I never seen anyone else ever going to them... How curious, everyone were praising their beauty but never one student got closer to the Cullens .

Blinking, for a couple of time trying to remember how to speak. "Em... Y-yes thank you" my voice reduced to squint, how pathetic I scolded myself, but I couldn't focus nor bering myself to pull together. The situation was pretty dramatic.

I looked down at my hands that were now again holding the book, and they were trembling, I couldn't bring myself to lift my sight to face the woman again, I was slowly slipping into what was going to be a panic attack if I didn't got away form her the soon as possible.

"You sure?" I could practically feel her frowning on me.

Was I sure? Well my whole body and mind are screaming to get away from you the sooner as possible, so yeah I'm okay! "Yeah..." I managed to answer "Sorry but I have to go" I mumbled and I fled form her, walking as fast as I could to my first class.

When I was there I noticed that it was still pretty early, and indeed no one else was in class, so I got closer to a desk in the back of the room, still have to recover from the encounter, my heart racing.

And a mixture of different feelings were invading my body.

I leaved my backpack fall from my back to the ground and then I set down and on the chair of my desk, deciding that I would be reading until class started and to calm myself down.

Obviously my attempt to distract myself was completely futile, because every time I tried to read a word my mind would run back to those beautiful golden eyes...

So strange, I never seen anyone with those eyes.

And the only thought of her made me want to run back her? How? I don't even know her, and for what I could see I can even barely stay near her without having an heart attack... What was happening inside me? Why I'm so scared of her as the Cullens, but then at the thought I'm feeling like melting?

As I was mulling over that uncommon color of eyes and my divergent feelings, the room was slowly getting filled up by others students.

Before I know it the bell had rang, I was still concentrated on my book, or at least that what it must have seemed form foreign eyes, when I heard the tipical sounds of heels entering the room. I lifted my head and I gaped.

"Good morning class..." Her sight passed over every one of us "My name is Tanya Denali, but you can call me Miss.Denali, I'm your new Professor of History of Art" when her eyes found mine she winked at me.

'O god' Was my thought.

N/A I apologize for eventual mistakes, I'm trying to do my best :')

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