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Zeus sat moodily on his throne. He watched dispassionately while  his subjects ate morning meal. His mind recalled how Yanni would always bring him his morning meal to his Private chambers. 

The memory made him grumble again. Since he sent her away, He had begun taking his meals in the formal dining hall. Memories of her were too vivid in there and the  absence of her presence left a hollow ache that intensified whenever he was alone for too long. 

Hera sat beside him in her chair chatting merrily  with a group of women. Since Yanni's departure  her anger and bitching had decreased but only slightly. Most days Zeus only got peace from avoiding her presence completely. He hadn't been intimate with her since Yanni left either. He felt disgusted at the very thought. It was her fault she was gone

Zeus knew it was only a matter of time before that would incite Hera's rage once again

He spent most of his days pondering how to get Yanni back. How to work around Hera and her obsessively  jealous ways. He needed her back for his own sanity. He missed her terribly. He often stressed and worried that Ares was mistreating her. He wanted to visit and see that she was well, but His duties and Hera had been commanding all his time lately.

Zeus wondered if she knew of his plans to see Yanni and was deliberately stalling him. So Zeus devised another plan. he had  Athena go to Ares under the guise of helping him sort out his kingdom woes and report back to him about how she was faring

Athena had returned with disturbing news however, Yes Yanni was well but it seemed His son had taken a strong liking to her.

He cursed aloud startling everyone around him. Hera glared at him as though she could visibly see his inner struggle and torment

Zeus stood and left the hall. Recalling Athena words suddenly  left him breathless with anxiety

He seems overly fond of her father. Enthralled even. He watched her intensely and became defensive when i mocked her status to him

Zeus slammed his hand down against the wall to his chambers. He needed to bring her back. He needed to figure out a way to have her without arousing Hera jealous, murderous rage

But how?

One thing was certain he wasn't willing to give up Yanni. For anyone. Not for  his son nor his miserable wife

She was his and he would get her back


Hera watched as Zeus stormed  from the hall. Embarrassment and anger rose in her chest,reddening her cheeks. She could always read him easily and she knew what he was so furious about. His little mortal whore

He had sent her away but still desired her, still thought of her and inquired about her well being

It incensed Hera. She devoted centuries to the man and he never appreciated her. In the beginning they were inseparable. He couldn't keep his hands off her. Then after birthing his children his interest  faded almost overnight

Since then it had been one whore after another,  birthing his bastard children everywhere

He cared little about her hurt or pain of his actions. The humiliation and shame

So she had also began taking lovers and treating him with equal disdain and disregard. Then as the years turned into millenniums. Hera felt herself growing tired of it all

Yet She knew she was nothing without Zeus. His power was almighty and absolute. Hera  wanted to maintain her  status. She just no longer wanted the man attached to it

Her mind ran with ideas of things she never before dared contemplate. A plot began to form in her mind. A truly devious and diabolical plan to bring Zeus to his knees and One where she could rule unencumbered by his suffocating presence.

Yes. she smiled maliciously

That sounded like a great plan indeed. Now she just needed to figure out how to bring it fruition. While he focused on his dark skinned whore, Hera would focus on being rid of him once and for all

All hail Zeus

God of Gods

but not for long...........

What do you think of Hera's plan for vengeance?




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