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( the PERFECT music to end this story)

The recently polished floor gleamed as the sunlight bounced it s light across the opulent room. A swarm of people were gathered to welcome the new king of Gods

Yanni stood among them her white dress flowing gracefully across her body, highlighting her glorious dark skin tone

She smiled proudly as Ares walked up to the dais. His dark hair laid long and silken across his broad shoulders and his powerful body full of health vitality

One would never have guessed that he had been severely injured just a week prior

A crown rested atop his head while his face remained stoic and blank

The day Zeus died had been a tough one. The entire realm of the gods grieved for their fallen king. Many raved with anger, demanding justice yet there was no one left to blame or punish.

Hera was already dead. Some attempted to blame Yanni and Ares but he quickly nipped that thought into the bud.

Especially when Poseidon showed up to speak at Zeus' funeral

He spoke of Zeus' unhealthy obsession for Yanni and how he warned him that it ultimately would be his downfall

Yanni felt sorry that just when Zeus had come to his senses and tried to do the right thing he was killed but she was eternally grateful for Poseidon's words and support. she knew he was now grieving for both his beloved brothers

Many wanted him to take Zeus' position, instead of Ares, but Poseidon adamantly refused. Not only did he have his own realm to rule which he loved, but the natural order was the son be granted the title.

Since Ares was the only child of both Zeus and Hera; the former king and queen the title was rightfully his

Poseidon made it known Ares had his full support and allegiance prompting all the fellow protestors to also fall in line

Zeus was properly laid to rest two days after the Tartarus incident, It was a ceremony rightfully befitting the God of Gods.

Despite their animosity toward one another Ares gave Zeus a respectfully extravagant burial and even was thoughtful enough to lay him to rest beside his beloved daughter Athena and his beloved brother Hades

Both he and Poseidon agreed that it was what Zeus would have wanted

Ares had also given Hermes a burial fit for a the hero he truly was

Apollo had took over the preparations for his twin sisters funeral as well as Dionysus. The sadness in his eyes was heartbreaking to see

Artemis was a indeed a formidable goddess who died far too soon

Once the treasonous plot concerning the three goddesses was revealed. No one cared enough to give, Aphrodite nor Hera anything

Not even Hephaestus

Everyone simply pretended as if they never existed

As Yanni watched Ares give a lengthy speech, she worried for him. She knew with this new position would come many expectations and responsibilities

She had faith he could do it. He was born to lead.

But he had been saddled with the daunting task of having to cleanup after a kingdom ravaged by war. It would not be easy

Abruptly his speech ended pulling Yanni from her wandering thoughts

She instantly blanched when she noticed Ares reaching his hand out for her to take.

She stood stunned as her gaze traveled across all the faces present. Heat colored her dark skin as she timidly accepted his waiting hand. Ares happily pulled her up on the raised dais beside him; His free hand wrapped around her slim waist possessively

"YOUR QUEEN!!!" he announced

The crowd erupted into accepting cheers making Yanni flush further

She wanted to be angry that he didn't bother to ask her to be his queen. He simply declared it as if the idea that she would not agree was non existent

But Yanni couldn't deny that she found it incredibly sexy. Ares never asked, he only demanded and expected compliance. His demeanor always filled with confident arrogance

He moved to place a crown atop her head as his dark eyes held her lovingly

Yanni smiled as their lips met at the same time the crown touched her down on her silvery white tresses

Intense joy and love penetrated her down to her very soul

Ares suckled at her lips as a chorus of whistles ricocheted of the walls

Yanni realized this was most certainty the happiest day of her entire existence. If only her mother could be present to see just how happy she truly was

When she first ascend to the realm of the gods alone, she never imagined she would find such pure happiness, much less love

But here they were

Through all the heart ache, struggles and strife.

Finally together

She kept her promise to Hermes and rose above her mere mortal servant station

she had undoubtedly became more

Looking back Yanni realized she had became more a long ago.

From the day she ascended to the day she spared her life to save his own

Even down to the very day she fell in love with the fearsome God of War

and now she was proudly his queen...........................


Thanks so MUCH for Reading!! I hope you all enjoyed this book as much as i did

I absolutely LOVE Greek mythology

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