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Yanni peeled her disused eyes open and squinted at the blaring golden light that assaulted her. She looked around and instantly  knew where she was 

Zeus' kingdom

But she was perplexed about how she had gotten there. The last thing she recalled was the hot slice of Hephaestus' blade in her back. The deafening cracks of lightening, along with the strong muscled arms that cradled her as she bleed to death and slipped away

Yanni knew she had died for certain because she also remembered the weightless serene feeling of peace that engulfed her as her body entered the underworld

Which meant that she was brought back from there by someone 

Movement to her right had her head snapping to the side. His imposing frame sat in a chair that looked uncomfortably small for him 


He stared at her unflinchingly, with intense focus

Yanni opened her mouth to  speak but her throat cracked from extreme dryness

A servant nearby that she hadn't even noticed rushed to pour her water. As she helped her drink it down Yanni didn't take her eyes off of him and neither did he

"Why.. am i here?" she rasped in a strained whisper

"I brought you back" He stated

 As if she didn't deduce that for herself. Zeus was the king of many things and she knew being irritatingly, vague was one of them

"I know that but why?"

"Someone requested it"  he answered simply yet once again vaguely


He didn't answer only continued staring 

Yanni wanted to groan with frustration but instead she changed her question to the one she really wanted to know

"Where is Ares?"

Again no reply.

 Just as Yanni was getting agitated and ready to spew her displeasure with him and his non answers he stood

Towering over her he tenderly caressed her cheek.

 I am glad you are back. someone so lovely doesn't belong in the pits of the underworld. Rest we will take soon beautiful"  he smiled then departed

Leaving her in her thoughts and questions and missing her love

Did something happen to him?

"Miss" she called to the servant she knew was still present standing somewhere in the expansive opulent room

the woman appeared hurrying to her side and waiting  expectantly

"Do you know where Ares is? Did something happen to him?"  She desperately asked

the woman immediately averted her gaze

"We are forbidden from speaking of him. i am sorry"  she said and fled quickly

Tears gathered in Yanni's eyes as she thought of all the horrible things that could have happened to him in her absence

Did she give her life to save his only for him to die anyway?



Yanni's body was feeling much better but her mood was not. She was forced to dine with Zeus each night and no one would tell her anything about what happened to Ares nor why she was back in Zeus kingdom; seemingly for good

She also noticed that Hera was missing 

Could she have perished in the battle? No one had mentioned her passing. Yanni was confused and angry at the lack of answers

She sat in front of him blankly picking at her meal while he only sipped his wine and stared at her

The silence and tension at the table was palpable yet neither did anything to quell it

then when she could take it no more she slammed her utensils down on the ostentatious table with a loud bang

"I've had enough of this. Why am i here Zeus!"  she snapped

He was wholly unmoved by her anger as he continued leisurely sipping his drink further igniting her fury

"You are here because i wished it" 

"Why?!!" she demanded "What do you want?!"

"You. has that not always been clear?

Choosing to ignore what he said she asked

"Where is Hera?" 

He chuckled at her sinisterly 

"The same place you precious Ares is?"

Yanni's heart quickened with trepidation

"And... where is that?"


 he climbed to his feet and moved to leave the room

"You belong to me now Yanni. The sooner you accept that fact the better it will all be. I would get some rest early tonight love, tomorrow will be a big day...for us both"

His words sent an ominous chill through her

"And why is that?" She asked folding her arms across her chest in defiance

Zeus gave her a smirk as he tossed damning words over his shoulder as he walked away

"It is our wedding day"...........................

Zeus is a true asshole. Do you think they will be married or will someone intervene? Who?




thanks for Reading!!

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