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(Hera in pic)

Hera tossed a vase aside and then proceeded to swipe all the content of  the table onto the floor. The dishes clattered and the glassed pitchers of wine spilled across the floor staining the rich immaculate white marble a angry red hue

"How dare he!" she seethed another crash another crystal glass shattered

Aphrodite yawned as she sat in a nearby chair watching her throw a tantrum to rival even the most unruly mortal child

"Hera i came here to speak of the plan not watch you defile your chambers"

Hera spun to growl at the woman who sat calm and serene as if the events at the party did not happen

"Why are you so calm. i thought you wanted Ares back. He rejected your advances and yelled at you"  Athena said as she stood bedside the arched opening, facing the golden warm rays that always filtered in

Aphrodite glared at her back she hated being reminded of any rejection

"I do want him which is why i am here. His rejection means nothing. He obviously still cares if i was able to lure him away" she retorted as she studied her perfectly manicured  nails feigning nonchalance

In truth Aphrodite was extremely worried. She could feel Ares slipping away with each passing day. She needed this plan to work if she was ever gonna get him back before it was too late

Athena snorted with disbelief  but remained silent

"We need to figure this out immediately. i cannot stand to remain tethered to that disgusting male another moment" Hera spat

Athena shot daggers at her as she shouted for more wine brought as if she hadn't just dumped it all over the floors with her tantrum

"Careful that's my father you speak of" she sneered

"Yes but you either want your father or your lover which is it?" she snipped aback

Athena turned away not answering. Hera  scowled at Aphrodite

 "You assured me she would want this just as much as us and be helpful" she accused

"I was under the impression that she did" Aphrodite answered 

"I do. My only stipulation is that I will not allow my father to be killed" Athena stated in a serious tone

Hera rolled her eyes "fine we will  imprison him in Tartarus. forever"

How can we trust Cronus once he is freed and defeats Zeus? What if he decided he wants to release all his brothers

Hera snickered "he would need an army for that. Defeating Zeus will be a feat enough but he cannot fight all the gods and goddesses alone". 

"And he cannot release his many brothers for aid  without killing Hades Poseidon and Zeus, Without his brothers that will be a impossible task" Athena added "They together form the triad that keeps the gates of Tartarus tightly shut"

Aphrodite nodded

"Fine then when are we going to move forward with the plan." She asked 

"I will travel to The underworld tonight and tell Crius of the plan."  

Hera walked over to a small hidden compartment inside a especially opulent chair that looked as if no one ever used it. She lifted the seat and dug inside, returning with a small vile

She handed the liquid to Athena. 

"This is from the vault. It will kill with a single drop."

The vault was where all the god killing weapons were locked and stored away. So no god could kill one another. Only Hera and Zeus had access to it and it was only used in extreme emergencies. As far as Aphrodite knew only a Titan could kill a god or goddess without one

"If it kills so easily why haven't you used it on the husband if you detest him so much. You've had it all this time"

Hera sneered at her

"Because foolish girl Zeus is the god of gods he is not so easily defeated with such a thing. I should know others have tried many methods in his life. Despite what everyone seems to think Poseidon and Hades may be his brothers, but they are not nearly as powerful. They both are far easier to kill"

Athena took the vial and quickly hid it 

"When it is done you will know and i would prepare yourselves. Zeus will immediately call a meeting and assemble every army to prepare for war"

Hera grinned wickedly "O we will be ready"


The darkness crowded Athena as soon as she entered the underworld. Except this time it seemed to serve as a foreshadowing to her planned actions. She constantly fought her conscience, but her love for Crius only had one outcome if she didn't. And since giving him up wasn't an option and he made it clear keeping their relationship a secret wasn't either

This was their only choice. Their one chance

She quickly unsheathed her hood for Cerberus as she reached the gates

The familiar sounds of painful moaning filled the air as she walked inside. Her uncle as usual was on his throne drinking himself numb. 

Athena easily spotted Crius and signaled him to meet her. Then to quell suspicions she drank and talked with her uncle for a while

Her heart gave a small pang that this would likely be the last time she would see him alive. 

But her eyes glanced a peek at Crius she knew it was a sacrifice she needed to make. for love. She had never had love like this and she truly felt it was a love worth killing for. Hades himself would kill too for his Persephone, whom in Athena's observation didn't even truly love him as he did her

Once Hades had drank himself into a stupor and began to indulge in a random servant girl. Athena subtly slipped away to meet Crius, who had left just moments before to wait for her

He rushed to her as soon as she appeared. His lips met her in a fierce powerful kiss that she felt down to the depths of her very soul

She ravished his luscious full mouth with equal ardor, enjoying his exotic taste 

When they pulled away to catch their breath, Crius' beaming smile sent flutters straight to her heart

"I've missed you love" he said caressing her cheek tenderly.

Athena grinned "Well I've come with great news"

His face brightened even further.

"Tell me" his expression eager

"I have a plan for us to be together at last"

Athena proceeded to explain the plan in its entirety, watching as his face lit up with joy at her every word

When she finished she gave him a hopeful smile

"Do you believe it will work?" 

"Yes. i think it is genius. However i cant defeat Hades on my own"

Athena  reached into her cloak and pulled out the vial. It shimmered a golden pearlescent color

"Hera gave me this from the vault. charm a servant mortal to slip it into his wine."

Crius lips tilted into a smirk. "I can do that"

"Are you certain you want to do this love? I know how much you love your father"

Athena adverted her gaze 

"I do but"....She swung her gaze back to look at his handsome face 

"I love you more".....................

3 women who dislike one another coming together for a common goal. Do you think something like that could ever happen in real life?

Do you think their tenuous alliance will last? 




Thanks for Reading!!!!!!

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