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After the fight with Ares yesterday he had done as she said and kept his distance. Even while she served him. His glances were still filled with longing and he watched at her every move but he didn't speak a word or try anything

Yanni couldn't figure out whether she felt relief or sadness about it. She hated seeing him in Aphrodite's arms. She didn't know if she could ever trust him after seeing that. To her it seemed he had a hard time letting Aphrodite go completely

Would she always have to fight for his  affection and devotion when it came to Aphrodite?

Could she even really hold his attention? she was no goddess

The dining chamber was full that night and the boisterous laughter as always ricocheted off the crudely fashioned walls Servants bustled around serving and the dim lights stationed around the room flickered uncertainty

Yanni moved cautiously as she carried a trencher of food specifically  for Ares 

Just before she reached him a violent shudder erupted throwing her and everyone else off their feet

She winced as she hit the stone floor below hard. The violent shaking continued for a moment longer. It felt like a earthquake times a thousand. Yanni had never felt anything like it before

Ares jumped to his feet. His expression the same as all his subjects. Everyone knew what had just occurred except the mortal slaves

He rushed to Yanni scooping her from the floor. The rest of his subjects raced from the table as chaos ensued

A sharp heavy tugging pounded at his head

"Come with me now Yanni it is urgent!"

 She must had seen the worry in his gaze because for once she easily complied. Holding her tight he quickly disappeared into his fathers realm. More gods and goddesses popped in as he arrived. Just as in his own kingdom, there was mass chaos

People raced around and shouted orders

Zeus appeared then looking angry and vengeance like Ares had never seen. A crowd gathered demanding answers . No one even bothered to move to the meeting hall, they simply blurted out their questions where they stood

Ares took note of the disheveled way his father stood, scraping his hand down his face in distress, While his mother sat serenely on her throne looking bored

"Hades is dead"

A collective gasp rang throughout the room. Ares face remained stoic but he gripped Yanni harder. Inwardly he was fuming and concerned

Angry shouts of How? and who could have done this? sounded

Zeus held up his hand silencing them

"We will find who did this and make them pay, however right now we need to prepare ourselves for war. As you all know the triad has been broken and because of this  Cronus has been released" 

His uncle Poseidon stepped forward

 "Brother" he looked as forlorn as Zeus did "He cannot do much harm. His brothers cannot escape to help him defeat all of us" he said a confident tone in his deep voice

Zeus nodded " A fact he well knows which is why  with Hades dead  he has risen an army of his dead to fight us. I assure he will be coming. Go home and collect your armies. I want every god goddess even the mortal slaves and creatures ready for war. "

Ares normally relished a war. But this one would the most important on he has ever had to fight and his woman would be required to as well

For the first time in his entire existence, Ares felt fear. True fear. There was a very real possibility that he could lose Yanni

They disappeared back to his kingdom immediately. Ares' nerves were shaken as he released her and shouted orders to his subjects and slaves

Yanni stood in a shocked daze not moving until he shook her


"Yes." she said turning her dazed expression on him 

"I must go gather my armies. I need you to get every slave ready for war. Can you do that?"

Yanni  nodded 

Abruptly he took her back into his arms curling his hands into her supple ass and holding her head as he devoured her mouth. He sucked and licked into her and Yanni moaned as she luxuriated in his rich taste and the velvety caress of his skillful tongue sliding against her own

Then he was gone

Suddenly Yanni felt cold and alone. She never truly realized how Ares warmed her completely with just this presence. until now

The shock of Zeus' words still didn't seem real. Hades dead? War? Cronus escaping? 

Now more than ever she wanted to through her petty arguments with Ares aside.  Funny how the threat of death could make everything seem so trivial

Yanni suddenly had a deja vu experience wash over her. She remembered vividly dying beside her mother and wishing she could tell her she loved her and appreciated everything she had always sacrificed for her happiness, just one last time

If she had know they would die she could think of all the many things she would have liked to have told her

But she never got that chance

However now she did . And she didn't want to make that mistake twice. Yanni wouldn't go to war without Ares knowing how she truly felt about him

She promised herself when he returned before they  fought for their lives and risked never seeing one another again, she would confess everything................

Shit is about to get messy AF You may not like how this all goes i apologize in advance. But i promise  it will be good




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