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Zeus stood in his chambers drinking cup after cup of wine his mind in a swirling fury of anger and grief. He had been alive a long time and never had he tasted the sting of betrayal and sorrow quite like this before

His brother and beloved daughter were both dead and even worse still, he had also lost Dionysus and Artemis 

Furthermore he was pissed that Hera had managed to evade the battle in the war claiming to be feeling well enough to fight

What bullshit!!! 

Had he not been so preoccupied with the war and known of her little deception,  he would have dragged her out there himself. How could she call herself Queen of the gods and allow them all to lay down their life without equally offering her own right beside them; as a true ruler did

She was a disgraceful Queen as well as wife

the thought immediately turned his mind to the distressing news he had recently learned 

A few hours Ago 

"My lord" a timid voice spoke as he sat on his throne brooding

"Yes" he replied  gruffly staring down at one of the many mortal servants in his employ. 

He recalled having bedded her many  times. she had been one of his very favorites before Yanni ascended and began to work for him

He hadn't felt interest in her since or truthfully any other servant

She stared at the  floor as she spoke, her rosy cheeks flushing at the booming sound of his dominating voice

"I..I..there is something you should know" she stuttered

Immediately her words sent an souring churn to his insides. she was always loyal to him no matter where she went or what he did. It was quite obvious she was devastatingly, pathetically in love with him. Zeus knew that and he often used it to his advantage

Months ago he had reassigned her to Hera's rotation of servants, so she could keep an eye on her. Although Hera often thought he hardly paid her any attention; he certainly did

And he had noticed her odd behavior grow especially suspicious in the last few weeks

"What have you learned?"

"Yo..Your wife she...I overheard her plotting........." She paused seeming terrified to continue as her petite body shook

He stepped from his dais to stand before her. He gripped her chin gently and stared into her pretty sea green eyes

"You will not be punished for what you say......Tell me"  he urged 

She gave him a small loving smile clearly basking in his touch and attention

"Aphrodite was with her and ....Athena"

Zeus' eyes flashed with sorrow and confusion . Why would those three women be together? He knew for a fact his wife and Athena hated one another and Athena equally detested Aphrodite; finding her vain and superficial in all ways

Still he did not  dare discount her words, she was extremely trustworthy and had always been his eyes and ears throughout the decades

"What else have you learned?"

"They spoke of poisoning and the titans. they knew someone in the underworld, an accomplice but i was unable to hear the name of whom"

Zeus didn't need to know the name, he already knew. 


 he was the only titan working in the underworld. His mind began to spin with thoughts and allegations mounting with every passing second

Did Crius help kill his brother? How did he do it?

 Hera had to have supplied him with something if he had. No ordinary method could kill him and only he and her had access to the vault full of god killing weapons

He wondered why the three women would have put aside their dislike to enact such a deep betrayal

Especially his Athena. what did she have to gain? They had always had a great relationship or so he thought 

Did he miss something? Did she pretend and instead harbor resentment for him?

"Why would Athena be involved?" he asked the woman before him

"I do not know my lord that was all i heard" 

She had been called to serve Hera more wine and stood outside her door after listening to every word the trio spoke. She tried to go to him and tell what she learned but the seemed to always be conveniently "busy" when she tired to be granted an audience

She surmised he thought she was wanting to be with him sexually and using anything to get close to him again

It was true she was always desperately wanting to be with him, Trying many tactics over the years; however this time she truly had something urgent to tell him

Sadly she never got that chance and after all that currently  transpired, she felt wholly responsible for not trying harder or doing something, anything more that may have stopped so much death

Her god now grieved for his lost daughter

"Thank you". He pressed a light rewarding peck on her lips in gratitude

"You may go"

She smiled bashfully then floated away, happily. Zeus returned to his seat and beckoned to his guards

They moved from their positions and bowed before him, not speaking only obediently waiting further instruction

"Go to the underworld and bring me a servant of Crius or hades" he commanded

They straightened and immediately disappeared to do his bidding. Guards unlike mortal servants had that ability like the gods did

That night as Zeus  ate in his private dining chambers they reappeared; An older mortal woman in tow

Her graying hair and wrinkles were prominent as she cowered in front of him. Zeus wiped his mouth and stood

He stalked to the woman and glared down at her head that was bowed in fear

"Whom did you work for, servant?"

She shook as she sputtered an answer

"Crius, my lord"

"And What do you know about My daughter Athena in the underworld servant?"  he barked

"I..She visited often my lord..I saw her once with the male Crius. they....were lovers...."

So there it was Zeus thought. His beloved daughter was in love with a vile titan

Why would she choose to betray me for him? He asked himself.

 Yet he instinctively knew why. had he known he would have been furious and demanded she stop seeing him.  he would likely have had the offending male thrown into Tartarus

Zeus dismissed the woman and downed another cup before he hurled it into the wall in front of him. He glared at the always golden sunlight beaming through his windows

He hated how it seemed so happy gleaming on everything while his countenance was anything but sunny at the moment

He turned and abruptly left the room. Vengeance permeating his mind and eating at his heart with intense hatred

It was time to punish his wife...................

So Zeus found about the girls' betrayal with the other two gone Hera will be the sole one enduring the full extent of his rage




Thanks for reading!!!!

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