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"My lord" The strong voice of Hermes said as he bowed

Zeus stared down at the male. He knew him to be Ares' friend he wondered if he was plotting to have him freed or something else more nefarious. Zeus had become paranoid after the mass betrayal he had discovered

He realized he had been entirely too relaxed and confident in his position.

Never again

Now he was vigilant, aware and highly observant

"You sent for me?"

"Yes i have a message i need delivered immediately" Zeus told him with a arrogant smirk on his lips

"Of course to whom should i deliver it?"


Hermes head snapped up to gauge his seriousness

"E..Everyone?" He asked confusion on his slim face

"Yes everyone. there is to be a wedding celebration tonight. MY wedding celebration" He announced proudly as down at Hermes daring him to protest or speak against his plans

But Hermes was smart so he wouldn't dare. Especially now. He knew that he had banished Ares to be imprisoned and Since the battle, Zeus hadn't been the same. His grief had made him more volatile, easily agitated and completely merciless

"Right away my lord" he said before disappearing.

He would do his job and deliver the message as Zeus commanded, but he had one important stop to make first


Yanni's hands shook as she paced the room thinking and thinking but hours later she was no closer to a solution out of this nightmare and time was running out

Thankfully No new servants came to bother her again, Yanni needed the calming peace to formulate a viable plan 

She couldn't understand why Zeus was so fixated on her. He had been with many mortal servants over the centuries and goddesses why did he want to wed her out of everyone he could have

Abruptly someone popped into her room. Yanni opened her mouth to scream, alarmed that someone might have come to harm her

But the hand that slammed across her mouth muffling her shouts were attached to a familiar face


He stared at her with a silent plea in his eyes. Yanni nodded her understanding as he slowly let his hand fall away 

"What are you doing here?" She whisper yelled at him

"I apologize. It was not my intention to frighten you. I know what is happening i came to offer my help."

"Help? How can you help? Do you know where Ares is?"

The solemn expression on his face. Made the hope she momentarily felt wither away and die, just as she did she she woke, reborn to realize the love of her life was gone

"he has.." He paused making her heart speed up in fear. Yanni almost didn't want to hear what he would say next. But she knew she needed to

"He's been.... imprisoned"

"IMPRISONED!!!"  Yanni shrieked loudly before catching herself and lowering her voice

"Why? By who? Where is-"

He held up his hand halting her rapid questioning

"He is Tartarus. Zeus put him there. In exchange for your renewed life"

Yanni gasped as tears flooded her eyes spilling forth uninhibitedly

She couldn't fathom that Ares would do such a thing. For her. Guilt and sorrow warred in her mind and suddenly she felt nauseous and weak. Her knees suddenly buckled and Hermes quickly shot forward to catch her before she fell

A fountain of tears turned into gut wrenching sobs that she fought to suppress. she didn't want anyone hearing and coming to check on her

"My lady please be calm" he consoled ineffectual

"H...How can i calm? he is trapped in a horrid place, miserable, alone and suffering....all because of me" She choked out

"NO! not because of you. Ares made the choice. He knew the terms, he agreed. he gave his life to save yours same as you did. Listen we do not have much time. Zeus has tasked me with delivering the message of your impending nuptials. If i do not go soon he will grow suspicious."

Yanni nodded as she untangled herself from him, sucking in a breath to steady her emotions and wrestled back her tears

"Then..you should go"

"I came here to tell you what has happened to him and tell you i am working on a way ot save him, to save you both"

Yanni shook her had vehemently

"No you can't Zeus said he would kill him if i don't comply. he will no doubt kill you too if you try"

Hermes nodded as if the words were expected and commonplace

"Still he is my friend. It is a sacrifice i am prepared to make"

The set of his jaw and the stern glint in his eye told Yanni that he was as serious and loyal to Ares as she was.

An idea popped into her head then. a risky reckless dangerous and deadly one but she was only filled with hope and happiness at the prospect.

 "I want to go help you save Ares. Please let me go with you"

"Even if I could, Zeus will never let you go. He has declared you his"

"If we  have to spend our lives together  fighting and hiding from  Zeus, we will . However, what i will not do is submit and resign myself to a life bound to anyone other than the male i love" Yanni spat with total conviction

Hermes looked surprised but proud as his gaze glittered with equal resolve

"I knew you would be something special. Ares is a lucky male. what did you have in mind?"

"Let's go to Tartarus".......................................

What do you think of Yanni's plan ro rescue Ares?

Will Zeus ever let her go?




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