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(Ares in armor with signature spear)

Zeus heard the boisterous echoes of the ever growing crowds gathering outside his domain all day as he sat on his throne deep in thought

He thought about everything that had transpired feeling nothing but morose and remorse.

He was upset his brother was killed. Upset Cronus was released and even more upset that he could be so easily betrayed. How did he not see such a thing coming? He knew of the discord occurring concerning Tartarus, still somehow he didn't believe it would ever get to this point

Zeus recollected  his kiss with Yanni. He exhaled a puff of air and closed his eyes remembering how pillow soft her lips felt against his

He didn't know if he would ever get to feel such a heavenly thing again. What he did know was he was going to avenge his brother, defeat Cronus just as he did before and for the first time in centuries; seek his own happiness

Hera and he would be no more. 

Determination filled his chest as the first god arrived to collect a weapon from the vault


He bowed respectfully but Zeus could see the sly look in his eye. Did he think him a fool? He knew his son was sleeping with his wife. He simply did not care.

 In truth he was grateful when she remained occupied with another between her legs, then she hardly bothered him to do so

One by one more gods and goddesses showed up. His beloved daughter Athena and even his most treasured half mortal son Heracles. Each time one appeared the crowd outside grew in numbers

Zeus escorted them all to the vault to gain their god killing weapons, He watched dispassionately as they each picked one

His brother took his beloved trident, Aphrodite and Apollo both took swords. Artemis, her coveted bow and his Athena took up duel swords. On and on the selection went until all had chosen

Then in true Ares fashion he arrived later than all the others, carrying his signature spear; his stride arrogant as he walked into the vault to choose his own weapon

Zeus didn't even have to look to know which one he chose

The maul

Ares was always a fan of weapons as brute as himself. Weapons that others would see as bulky and cumbersome

Jealousy rose in him as he thought of how Yanni looked in his arms the night of the kiss. Zeus knew she only did it to punish Ares for his indiscretions with Aphrodite. He himself set it all up, still  he relished it all the same

He hated that she wasn't his and chose instead to belong to his son whom was a disgrace to his family. Zeus walked over to his expansive arched window looking down at the thousands that had gathered to protect and fight

He thought of how Yanni was down there among them too and he vowed then, that after the war was over and he tasted victory, he  would take her for himself; consequences and protests be damned. 

He was the god of Gods and his words  were absolute


The pounding of the earth beneath her feet surely echoed the pounding in her chest and the pulsating of her blood

A fierce expression was displayed among  every mortal, creature and god and goddess as they all waited for the army of Cronus to appear

Yanni glanced over to her left where Ares was. She admired him as he stood proud and tall. His posture spoke of confidence and complete control

He rode a chariot as he stood at the head of his army. She was stunned to see it was pulled by 4 dark horses, their manes were flickering golden flames, Puffs of fire blew from their mouths as they neighed and snorted impatiently

Other fire creatures of Ares realm and the realms of the others stood nearby and she found herself morbidly fascinated by them

Ares creatures were as brutally strong as one would expect,  belonging to the God of Wars kingdom; Minotaurs and Manticors

Then there were Satyrs and Centaurs from Artemis' realm, they made bellowing calls of war

Griffins and Harpies from the kingdom of Athena growled and shrieked

Apollos gorgons hissed and a loud caw split the air as Zeus' infamous golden eagle soared through the air

Yanni knew Ares had fought in countless wars throughout his long life, she was not overly worried for him, but she couldn't dismiss that idea that somehow this war would be different

Adrenaline coursed through her blood at all the confidently raucous sounds,  making her anxious as the pounding suddenly stopped 

The army had arrived and it was time.......................

Bare with me the war scene up next will be kinda hectic




thanks for reading!!!!

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