Chapter eight, the 4 legs of it

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I heard a noise...
RAWR (that's my best rawr lel)

That was a bear rushing towards it came so fast I felt I was going to die
I screamed for my life but it then I wasn't the one screaming...I was in my knees peeking through my fingers to see the bear scared for ITS life I was confused...

I look behind me to see what it was looking at to see anti and dark holding both their hands at the bear as darks eyes and hand were glowing red and blue... and antis glowing green... I felt so useless just letting them save my life

I heard anti chuckle and break out of laughter as I felt darks cold hand look at me as he said "do you really think we would just let you die by a worthless bear?" As he chuckled I felt embarrassed as they laughed. " hãhåhāhàháhâhä" anti laughed I forced out a smile to not look stupid

We kept walking as anti and dark walked as a hallucination for me to feel less scared
We made it to the top of the hill and sat down to rest. Dark put his arm around me as anti gave him a death glare.

We got down the hill as all animals hid in the trees for their lives, and we laughed, told jokes, story's and really bonded! I felt like I had friends that cared. That night was the best night in my life!

We got home as I took a shower and got ready to sleep and sat on my bed reading a book waiting to get tired. The book got super good, I felt tired and book the book mark in on the page I was on page number 109 I smiled and slept.

I woke up in the same place waiting for something to happen but nothing did I waited and waited and as soon as I knew it I was awake! I wrote in my (F/C) dream journal and got up to shower, brush my teeth, change then got food ready. I showered brushed my teeth then I chose my black hoodie with a septiceye Sam wearing a pink warfstash and some black jeans to match.

I sat there waiting for SOMETHING to happen as I made my coffee... sat down... and then... "BOO!" I jumped in fear as I saw dark and anti laughing there asses off. "Not funny!" I said as I had coffee spilled all over the glass I still had to clean. I grabbed a broom and swept up the glass and cleaned up the coffee.

That whole time I was waiting for them to jump scare me, they just sat there on the couch watching tv I watched their every move as I cleaned. I took out the glass (yeah JUST glass) as my neighbor Lily said jokingly "wow that's a LOT of glass when was the party?" I laughed with her as I walked inside still looking at anti and dark as I washed my hands.

I looked again as this time dark was looking right back at me. He blinked, "haha you lost" I laughed with anti he laughed with us. As we went outside to go on a walk, I got a lot of odd looks cause I was by myself talking and laughing at least that's what they could see.

We went to (Favourite/Restaurant) and ordered (F/F) we sat and laughed, I had to order for them cause you know the weren't visible to anyone else but me. Every death stare I got I did the deadliest stare I could back... let's just say they were to scared to stare again.

I was eating then I went to the bathroom leaving my purse behind forgetting that nobody else could see anti and dark. A guy tried to steal my purse but the second he did he just froze in action with blue and red smoke coming off of him. I moved his lifeless body away and laughed with anti and dark about how odd he looked.

On the way back I asked dark what he did, " oh yea that well.. I went into his mind found his deepest fear and kinda put him in a never ending nightmare" we laughed with him.

If you can't tell dark is a type of demon that can travel through minds and mirrors and can mess with stuff like that. Anti is a type that can take out anything that has electricity so if you had a phone he can make it explode with a snap of a finger.

We all had fun that night, we became friends through the past weeks!

One night an odd dream happened...

(A/N) Hai I am back and I have a YouTube channel now :3 it's called Luna Barsion And I post videos on there now! I hope you liked chapter 8! Buh-bye!

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