Chapter Fourteen, Lucid Nightmares

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Then the day of the wedding came... the second most worst day of my life....


I got in my dress to run to the car, of coarse, it was raining. And the host grabbed me pulled me into the car (in a friendly way not in that way). "Th-thanks ho-host" I said shivering, oh the look dark gave him, if glares could kill, host would be dead in seconds.

We drove there in a taxi, host having enough power to show himself he was there too. We stayed silent for a part I said "okay no bullies and no harm, no magic no fighting." I said not wanting to ruin ashes special day!

We got there as I got out of the car I stepped in a puddle. And the host and dark both helped me out, not wanting them to fight I pulled away from both of them pushing myself forwards, and of course, falling on top of anti who was already ahead that didn't want none of this.

"Sorry anti!" I apologized getting up, "ïtś økåÿ" he said rubbing the back of his head helping me up, oh boy that just made dark even MORE mad and I didn't want anyone fighting so I just up and entered to chapel (how cliche ikr).

I entered the bridesmaid only room to get changed into a different dress (they had extras just in case) and went into the bathroom to change, I had my dress on I just needed to zip up the back. I got my makeup on and then noticed I needed to zip it back up then...


My zipper went up and I was startled like 'what the hell just happened' then I turned around to see what the hell must happened only to be greeted by a cold kiss from dark I sunk into the kiss once again, oh boy he was a great kisser. I jumped back after the Amazing kiss and asked what he was doing here. "To see you my princess" dark said with a smile. "Oh well you should probably leave the weddings staring soon." I added getting out of the tightly squeezed bathroom.

I used all of my strength to show anti and dark (oh and mark and Luna were there they will be more a part later)
I went and waited with the other bridesmaids for ash there was; Jane aka Jinxy still lonely that one kid in class that ate a lot, Stephanie aka steph she liked her guys hot and changed boyfriends every week that type of kid that was always on her phone, and finally and Luna you know Luna.

We all sat in silence as we waited for ash.... still no ash... "hey imma go look for ash anyone wanna join?" I asked, Luna was the actual only person that said yes and we walked around looking for her... until we heard a scream.

"AHHHHAHHHHH" that was ashes scream! We all jolted to the basement to see a Bruised cut and almost killed Ashley my heart slipped a beat to see her looking like that, she looked like the only person in the room... until it went black... I woke up in a chair like Ashley but in between Luna and Ashley who were passed out. I knew that there was more then just us in the room.

He walked up, "hi, (Y/N) nice to see you again" he said to me... I knew who he was.... Jake and ex boyfriend that I broken up with because he cheated on me. "Wh-What do you want?" I asked trying to sound brave, I didn't work.
"I knew getting Ashley and turkey I guess you can call him, together... you couldn't help but come." He said as I shivered and then I felt a huge pain go into my ( Left/ Right ) arm...

I looked over to my (L/R) arm to see a fucking screwdriver impaled into it! "Any last words?" He said... "yes and those are... Anti, Dark, Host everyone come here" I said as my vision slowly faded out (you aren't dead your just passing out slowly from blood loss).

Antis POV

I felt off as I heard a voice in my head say "come here" it sounded like (Y/N)'s voice was coming from the basement... I ran as dark and host heard it too. When we got there we saw an old ex boyfriend taunting at Luna while there was a most likely dead Ashley and a close to dead (Y/N) in chairs.

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