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Taehyung is able to handle Jeongguk, but the younger on the other hand can't seem to get out of trouble when they're together.

The boy grabbed Taehyung's slip and compared it to his own, "I- what the FUCK!"

The olders now annoyed, and took his paper back and started dialing his boss.

"Hey um, it's me. Can you tell me why the kid and I are sharing an apartment?? You told us yesterday to, 'go to the address stated on our own papers' so why are we at the same place??" -Taehyung

Jeongguk on the other hand is furious because he too wanted to hear the conversation. So he went over to Taehyung and pulled him phone from his ear and pressed speaker, he is prepared to get smacked after the call but it's better than being curious.

The boss on the other side started laughing furiously, "hahaha! I said to go to the address on your papers because they're just the same copies- I- Hahaha, and you know our branch don't be getting a lot of funds!"

This irritated Taehyung so he just ended the call, what's the boss gonna do? Fire him when their branch barely have the money to pay another officers salary? No.

Jeongguk now knowing that the call has ended started regretting pulling the phone from Taehyung's ears and slowly back off while the older still angrily glared at his phone screen.

The boy was about to pull his luggage into the bedroom when Taehyung growled, "what are you doing?"

In confusion the boy continued to park (we parking luggage's in this broken apartment uu) his luggage into the bedroom and answered, "uh putting my stuff in my room, you dumb or something?"

Taehyung ran both his hands into his hair and sighed, he just woke up from his sleep and his head is already aching. Not only that but sharing an apartment with this little... little fuck is gonna drive him crazy. He walked into the bedroom that Jeongguk was in and pointed to the corner of the room.

An already parked luggage.

"This is my room. In fact this is the only bedroom room, you can sleep on the couch." Taehyung grabbed the youngers luggage and casually pulled it out to the living room.

Jeongguk was now just standing in the bedroom, Taehyung's bedroom, with his mouth agape and shocked. He quickly walked out sulking but was determined to sleep on a bed so once again pulled his lil luggage back into the room.

To refrain Taehyung from being able to do anything, the boy shut the door knowing that there isn't a lock but still jumped onto the bed and prepared for a nap. Taehyung sat on the couch for a while to calm himself because when it comes to Jeongguk he feels like he's got anger issues

After he had calmed himself down he cracked his neck and massaged his shoulders before getting ready to dragged the younger out of the room. Once he he turned the door knob Taehyung sees Jeongguk snoozing off while hugging one of the pillows.

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