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Taehyung was the first to be out of the car and stood waiting for the younger to come out. Once Jeongguk stepped out his car he remembered the scarf he was holding in his hand, "wait hurry, put this back on." Pulling the fabric over the boy, Taehyung again made sure to fluff it up to cover as much of the boys neck as he could. "Wow it's kinda cold right now, how do you feel Guk?" The older had his arms wrapped around the males shoulder.

Jeongguk was excited and a little bit of cold can't stop him from having fun so he smiled up at the other, "I'm ok, let's go?"

Taehyung puts his wallet back into his pockets and groaned to himself, "almost forgot how much the entrance fee is if you don't pay online..., hey Jeongguk don't run so fast!"

The boy was skipping away from the entrance and headed towards the map board, "hyung look! They have the haunted house over there." He pointed at the corner of the map and spun over to face the man for approval. The attraction was near the further end of the park so Taehyung suggested that they tried out some other stuff before making their way there. The boy agrees and off they went.

Taehyung and Jeongguk demolished the shooting range games and putting their points together ended up winning the grand prize of a large rabbit plush. Hauling that thing around wasn't easy for the older as the boy wandered ahead of him offering no help. As they walked, the older could see kids staring at the plush he was holding in awe and some even looked upset or jealous that they couldn't have one. So what did Taehyung do? He just looked at them and smirked or even taunted them before continuing his way.

After fooling around some more they had finally reached a building in the park that popped out from the rest. In contrast to the bubbly and bright attractions, this one in particular had an exterior of a run down building, decorated with dried out trees and grass. Just seeing it left chills down the older's spine. He really didn't want to go in.

"Let wait here hyung, I never thought the line would be this long..." Jeongguk pulled Taehyung by his arms and dragged him towards the line of people who too were as excited as the boy to enter the run down building. While they were waiting, the boys phone vibrated and he pulled it out quickly, 'Lee.' Seeing that it was Lee he quickly opened the message to see a useless reply, "well Guk... other then you I don't really remember anyone with curly hair. Actually Officer Kim's hair is  some what curly? Are you looking for him?"

Jeongguk groaned as Lee was no help at all and just replies, "no... I'm trying to find out who he likes man, no way he is so narcissistic to like himself!" After he puts his phone back into his pocket, Taehyung peeked his head over and questioned, "what're you doing?" The boy shifted his head quickly at the males direction and stuttered, "o-oh it was just Lee. He messaged." The older raised his eyebrows and cocked his head with the large plush still in his arms, and taking one of the rabbits arms he playfully and lightly punches Jeongguk with it.

The boy giggles and started to throw light punches at the rabbits stomach before they heard, "hello! You guys are next to enter, please hand in your coats and any other items besides your valuables."

They both handed over their coats and the plush but the employee asks, "would you like to leave your scarf as well, sir?" Subconsciously Jeongguk reached his hands to unravel the fabric but Taehyung quickly choked out, "oh he's fine— he uh likes having it on..." hearing this the younger gasped and quickly dropped his arms, "yeah!"

"Ok then, please follow me. Once I lead you guys into the main room, I'll close the front door and you two can just follow the way out. We will have your items delivered to the exit so don't worry." The employee opened the front door and led them in then left after explaining some rules. "Don't touch the employees, and the employees won't touch you."

Taehyung was not at all afraid of losing his possessions, more like he was scared that he'll make a fool of himself when walking through these halls. Since he was young, he was never good with haunted houses or anything that relates to the super natural.

Seeing that the older was a bit shaken Jeongguk stuck out his hands, "hold?"

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