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(Sorry for disappearing ewe)

After awhile, Taehyung who was laying on the couch suggested, "hey buns, let go grocery shopping, I emptied out my fridge the day I went to Busan." Jeongguk who was rolling around on the carpet with Tannie slowly stood up and plopped on top of the older, "sure." Taking this chance, the male pulled on the youngers cheeks and gave them a light tap.

Jeongguk pouts, rubbing his face slowly before doing the same thing to the older but instead of being considerate and pulling lightly, he pinches. And with that, the two were out shopping, Taehyung with red cheeks of course and Yeontan on a leash. When they were in the market they were told that pets must be carried or in carriers so the boy picked the puppy up with the leash wrapped around his arm.

The three of them entered the market and Taehyung immediately chuckles at Tannie, "do you know that Yeontan would never let me hold him? He usually jumps out of my arms when we're out." Jeongguk laughs and played with the puppy's hair before they walked deeper into the store, "hyung, what're we gonna get? Ramen?"

The older cocked his head in confusion, "you know Guk, the more I hear from you, the more I think you live like a college student..."

When they ended home the two of them were beat, no one expected for one of the plastic bags to break causing them more trouble than needed. The two groaned and carried all the groceries towards the kitchen while Yeontan peacefully and worried-freely watched. When they began to cook, Taehyung kept an eye on the boy but eventually just told him to sit somewhere and let him finish. Jeongguk's living skills were close to none so him helping out in the kitchen wasn't the smartest thing to do.

After they ate Taehyung slyly asked, "wanna bathe together? My bathtubs pretty big," Jeongguk thought about this for a while before nodding a yes, "ah let me get my pajamas first." He walked towards his luggage but before he got there the older chimed, "lets unpack those tomorrow, you could just wear my stuff~"

Seeing the pile of useless things Jeongguk had bought for his trip to Busan, the boy sighs, "hyung why didn't you say something about all this garbage I brought for the trip?" The older walked over and peeked into the boys baggage, "well it was a bother to sa— wow... your packing skills are... uh interesting?" The boy turned his head over quickly and scrunches his face causing Taehyung to chuckle, "let's just go bathe, ok?"

Without waiting for the youngers response, the man gently pulled Jeongguk towards the main bathroom. (Just imagine Taehyung has a bathroom in his bedroom with only a shower, but has a main bathroom that has both a tub and shower)

The older shuts the door quietly and walked towards the tub to turn the water on, the boy followed after and questioned, "hyung your water bill must be high."
"Haha, I don't use the bath much, so it's not really an issue." After adjusting the water to his liking, Taehyung looked over at Jeongguk. The boy was already stripping, struggling here and there but eventually gets almost all his clothing off.

'Well at least he feels comfortable to strip willingly in front of me,' the older thought before doing the same himself.

When they both finally got into the tub all they heard was clawing at the door, "Ah tannie don't do that, or else I'm not feeding you treats before bed." Taehyung's voice was pitched a little higher but still sounded threatening. Before they knew it, the clawing ceased.

While in the tub, the older noticed that Jeongguk was three feet part from him (because they're not gay—) and motioned him to come closer. Acknowledging this the boy slowly edged himself over. Once near, Taehyung pulled him closer and splashed water onto the boys face. The youngers face showed shock and betrayal, almost as if he trusted the older to not mess with him now that they're together, but guess not?

To get back at him, Jeongguk quickly and slyly pinched the olders nipples, expecting a response but was disappointed and embarrassed when Taehyung didn't as much as flinch. The boy looked up ears red and coughed, "why aren't you reacting??"

The man laughs lightly flicks the youngers in return, immediately the boy lets go of Taehyung's and shrunk into himself, "this isn't fair—."

The older ruffled Jeongguk's hair causing it to now be semi wet and commented, "I heard, those who gets their nips pierced either end up with them more sensitive or lose their sensitivity. Which would you be Jeonggukie?"

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