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Jeongguk who had just woken up was somewhat in a daze but after awhile looked around , 'it's the apartment...' the boy said to himself before standing up.

He followed the quiet sound towards the shower and was about to call out the olders name before the door opened and he was now face to face with Taehyung.

The taller chuckled and questioned, "what're you doing?" The boy responded honestly and said, "I just followed the only noise I heard..."

Jeongguk wasn't able to see it but Taehyung was, the back of the youngers hair was defying gravity. So with a soft touch, the older simply tousled the hair and tried to flatten it, "did you drink the milk?"

Hearing this, the boys face returned back to the same shade it was when he was in the car. He cautiously shook his head. Taehyung lightly grabbed the boys wrist and led him towards the fridge, his hands were like lava against the youngers skin. 'I guess he takes really hot showers...'

After the thought left Jeongguk's mind, Taehyung pointed at the small bottles of milk in the fridge, "hah, you didn't have to buy four." This might have been the first time Jeongguk had smiles or laughed today and somehow his made the older happy.

Taehyung simply cocked his head to the side and stammered out, "those were the only ones of the banana flavored left so I just took it all."

Acknowledging this Jeongguk nodded and grabbed two, "here." He waved the second bottle towards Taehyung because sharing is caring.

By the time the older was about to take a sip he heard a large exhale from beside him, his colleague, Jeon Jeongguk, a college graduate, had inhaled the whole drink and was now on the ground grabbing his head due to a brain freeze.

So before the sip was taken Taehyung squatted down and suggested, "why don't you shower? We have important things to do tomorrow."

Reluctant but acknowledging the importance of tomorrow, Jeongguk held his head and stomped towards the bathroom in his little slippers.

The older exhales quietly and looked at the drink and repeated to himself, 'please don't be too sweet... please don't be too sweet.' With a tiny experimental sip that was taken, Taehyung knitted his brows in disapproval. "Sweet."

He placed it back in the fridge and thought to just offer it to bribe the younger later, I'm just kidding, offer it to the younger later. Having nothing to do Taehyung was now just plopped onto the bed and scrolling through his phone.

In not too long Jeongguk walked out the bathroom with his hair completely wet and asked, "why didn't you mention my hairrr?"

Taehyung chuckled and looked over, "it was a cute look on you, ah and by the way I didn't finish the milk, it's in the fridge."

Jeongguk who just moments before was scowling was now all smiles and twirled straight to the fridge. Instead of chucking the whole thing like before, he had learnt his lesson and would drink it slowly from now on. He walked back to the bed and sat down to slowly ingest the sugary drink.

Suddenly he gasped causing Taehyung's attention to shift towards him, "what is it?"

"We indirectly kiss :0!" The younger gasped again and looked over to the older who had the, 'really? Wow, are you for real right now?' Look on his face.

"Jeongguk this shocked you?" Taehyung shifted himself to where his head is off the bed and stared and the younger.

Jeongguk felt attacked and muttered out, "Yeah of course! This is the first time I indirectly kissed anyone outside from my family! Wait actually no... I've done that with Lee multiple times I think?"

Taehyungs playful demeanor had now shifted to stern and serious, "have you kissed him directly then?"

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