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The mellow sound caught Taehyung completely off guard causing him to flinch away with the boy sheepishly still laying under him.

Softly he traced his fingers down the youngers cheeks not expecting him to nuzzle into them and kissing his palms. "Are you trying to seduce me?" Taehyung chuckled still having his hands on the boys face. But he would never in his life expect Jeongguk to pull him in and shyly stammer, "if I am would you touch me?"

Never had he ever heard such obscenity come out of such a face. But with the younger being so desperate and unwilling to let him go, Taehyung eagerly nodded, "you asked for this."

(Hey guys it's me, Hahaha.....,,,,.,. Guess what I forgot uu; I forgot condoms- so I'm unsure if Taehyungie should run out to buy some or if they should just play with each other ; but I'll just see how it goes ú//ù)

The older slipped his hands back under the hoodie and looked up asking, "may I?" Jeongguk nodded and pulled his only piece of clothing up exposing his lower half and chest. The boy softly placed the mans hands on top of his upper chest and drowsily mumbled, "here."

Taehyung remembered when they were in the bathtub, how an accidental brush of his hands on the youngers nipples had caused the boy to cry out, 'he's really sensitive there I guess...' the man smirked and started to fondle lightly with the boys buds acknowledging how Jeongguk was already twitching below. The older himself could feel the excitement each time he felt the boy jolt under him. Not till long the younger wandered his hands down below as an attempt to please himself, but Taehyung grabbed his wrist and stopped him, "you were doing so good, let's try to cum with only your nipples, ok?"

The older used one hand and bounded both of the boys wrist above him. Lowering his head he bit down slowly on Jeongguk's nipples which had became plump and  pink from being played with.

Even when laying down Jeongguk felt his legs giving out, his moans were mixed with whimpers caused by the continuous teasing of the olders tongue and fingers. With the shivering of the boys body and and the arching of his back, Taehyung could feel the youngers approaching climax so released the grasp on his wrists.

The boy took in a sharp gasp and clenched onto the olders shirt before giving out a jerk.

Taehyung looked down restlessly and chuckled, "good job, I've never seen someone cum from their nipples alone. You're-" the older scowled down at the younger who had been trying his hardest to stay awake after ejaculating. Unable to even finish his praising, Jeongguk had fallen asleep then and there. Quickly getting off the bed, Taehyung wetted a towel and cleaned what he could off the youngers stomachs and thighs before standing up and pulling the blanket over him.

He looked down at his pants and sighed, "guess I'll just head to bathroom for this..."

After awhile Taehyung walked out the bathroom defeated, 'it went away... I can't believe this, life is not all good.' But this didn't stop him from crawling into bed and pulling the sleeping boy in to kiss his forehead. Ruffling through the back of the Jeongguk's hair the man whispered a, "good night."

-tweet tweet- (these are fucking bird noises, don't come at me)

Taehyung woke up today not from the stinking alarm but from the sound of a box being stomped on, "Jeongguk?" The man groaned groggily before peaking over to his side, the boy wasn't there.

The older stepped out of bed and cracked his back crankily and walked towards the living room, "Guk?" The boy was flattening out the box with a scarf around himself, "hyung look!!" The scarf luckily looked exactly like the one on the image when they had ordered it and looked unexpectedly cute on the younger.

Taehyung walked over and picked up the turtle neck from the couch and sighed, "I don't really like these..." and plopped his whole body down onto the cushions.

Jeongguk hopped his way over to the older and cheekily asked, "how does it look on me?"he strikes a couple of poses with the scarf on and looked down at the olders unenthusiastic face.

"Great, you look great." Taehyung muttered out tiredly and lifted the boys hoodie up just by a bit, "so you still don't have your undies on, cute."

(I've never written something like this, I need to clean my eyes out with venom)

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