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Taehyung squeezed out another smile before letting out, "I'll just skip showering, come out when you're done."

Like he had promised before, the door was left agape. Going back to their bedroom he quickly changed out of the wet briefs into dried ones and put on his pajamas, his hair was a little wet from the boy playing with it but he didn't really mind.

Taehyung tiredly wandered to the couch, where he left his phone and picked it up to see all the notifications from an unknown number. Scrolling down he found the message of, "hello this is officer Lee."

'How the fuck did he get my number?' But continued scrolling, they had arrested the trafficker and along with six others in the bar that was related to his case. They could either leave in two days or leave tomorrow so Taehyung thought to just ask Jeongguk tomorrow.

The older was edging to leave Lee on read but ended responding a, "k."

He slowly walked back into the bedroom and turned on the night light before shutting the lights off. He laid down on the bed and closed his eyes, everything running through his head was either Jeongguk this or Jeongguk that and it's really throwing off his, 'I'm so cool, I'm Taehyung' vibe. He threw his arms openly to his sides and sighed, mumbling, "what're you doing to me...?"

After awhile he heard the slightly opened bathroom door creek open (a ghost! I'm just kidding ;uu) 'guess he's done bathing, I'll get up if he asks for anything.'

Suddenly Taehyung felt a mass amount of weight on top of his stomach causing his to open his eyes right away, "Jeongguk?" It took his eyes sometime to adjust to the dark after having them closed for awhile. The boy who was sitting on top of him had a towel draped around him and stared down and the older.

Inner Taehyung was slapping himself but outer Taehyung commented, "you should put something on, let me go get your cloths."

When he had struggled to sit-up Jeongguk got off him and rolled to his side of the bed, Taehyung was never so glad to have brought such a large towel on this trip.

When Taehyung dug through the youngers luggage the boy mutter, "shirt?" The older turned around and nodded, "yeah I'll get you one , your brief and pants aswell."

"Ok here, change into these," the man lightly place the clothing near the boy who was laid motionlessly on the bed. Jeongguk sluggishly pulled the shirt over himself then the briefs but completely ignored the pants.

"Uh Guk... your pants."  Taehyung pointed at the but the younger shook him head, "hot."

Rubbing his temples once again, Taehyung looked the boy up and down, "then Ill give you one of my shirts to cover the part of your briefs."

The shirt on the boy was large but covered what it needed to cover, and loosely showed part of his shoulder. Taehyung just couldn't win so plopped onto the bed in defeat, "ok it's sleepy sleepy time Jeongguk." The boy joined him and snuggled in close, whenever they slept like this Jeongguk side of the bed is always bare while Taehyung's side manage to fit both of them.

With Jeongguk's legs being bare and the shirt that's practically a boyfriend shirt Taehyung couldn't sleep. His mind tried wandering off to other places such as the dusty little alarm clock, the mall, the streets they visited, Jeongguk's leg, parks and other things that aren't Jeongguk.

The boy on the other hand nuzzled closer and softly bit down on Taehyung's neck causing him to snap out of his distraction. Biting turned into sucking on his neck, the older sighs and comments, "what did you drink today? You're like a rabbit in heat, cmon stop. Let's sleep."

Their legs were entangled into each other's and Jeongguk pulled away from the olders neck, "goodnight kiss?"

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