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Today was getting more tiring by the minute. Taehyung sighs through the call and could hear the panic in the boys voice, the older puts his phone on speaker and started driving, "where are you?"

"The mall."

Taehyung this time let's out a sigh of relief seeing that he was pretty close to it, "ok, end the call. I'll be there soon."

Jeongguk on the other hand replied with a, "no." Which confused the older leading him to question, "why?"

Maybe it was because of how stern the 'why' sounded, but the boy hesitantly mumbled out, "so I know you're there."

'Ah man... shoulda had my phone on...' Taehyung felt bad, really bad. The type of bad he doesn't need to be feeling.

The whole call was silent for a while till little sniffles were heard, "you good?" Right after that was asked, Jeongguk quietly let's out a, "yeah."

Taehyung looks around and nonchalantly mumbled out, "ok just one more turn..."

Finally his car arrived around the mall that was surprisingly still bright. He grabbed his phone which was on speaker and left his car. Taehyung who started off walking slowly to was now almost at a jog when he got closer to the entrance of the establishment.

Sitting on one of the steps leading to the mall was a boy holding an illuminating phone pressed against his ears with his head resting on his knees. Taehyung slowed himself down and sat next to the younger before whispering into the phone, "I'm here," and ended the call.

Hearing this Jeongguk's head shot up showing Taehyung a tear filled face with a running nose. 'Ah how embarrassing,' the older thought before grabbing the boy by his hand and guiding him towards the car.

When Jeongguk got into the backseat Taehyung followed as well and shuffled around to find the packet of tissue he had left back there. After digging around the car he finally found it and pulled out a piece of tissue and started to wipe the boys face. He then pressed the tissue against the youngers nose, "now blow, Why are you crying?"

The younger's cheeks and eyes were now adorned with a shade of pink which made Taehyung physically weak. Maybe it because he likes how he looks when he cries but to each his own.

"I was lonely."

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