Angels For Halloween {Part 1}

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Time skip to the week of Halloween ...

[Clara's pov]

"Her name's Rosé Westbrook, I got an address." Jamal said from his computer. Helping him with this Rollerworld hunt has been a good distraction for me and so far the only person that really believes us is Abuelita. I walked over to where he was sitting and read the address on the screen.
"Hold on, isn't that in Brentwood?" He nodded and swung around on his chair.
"Now we gotta find a way to go to Brentwood without looking suspicious." He rubbed his chin to show his thinking. We sat there in silence for a bit, trying to think of something.
"I got it!" I stood up. "It's Halloween this weekend right?" He nodded following along. "Well what if we go trick or treating?" He thought about it before saying anything. This is a great idea, come on.
"How about we go trick or treating in Brentwood?!" He emphasized the 'in'. Didn't I just say that? I can't burst his bubble so I'll just let him take credit for MY idea.
"Why didn't I think of that?" He shrugged at me but I just laughed it off. 
Lets hope the others are down to go trick or treating.

Time skip to Halloween ...

Olivia answered the door. Honestly this girl is adorable. She's so nice too!
"Hey Clara!" She gave me a quick hug before letting me in.
"Let me guess, cowgirl?" I said looking at her outfit. She was wearing a red plaid shirt, a pair of denim shorts and boots that screamed 'Yeehaw!'. She nodded, excitedly, like it wasn't obvious. Everybody was there and extra ready but they looked at my outfit confused. I was wearing a white dress that fell to just above my knees and a pair of plain white flats so I put on the halo headband I was holding and did a twirl.
"Ta-Da" I smiled and they rolled their eyes at my poor attempt of a costume.
"So where are we going?" Olivia asked and before I could answer, Ruby started listing all the reasons not to go anywhere. I send Jamal a look and he walked over and stood behind Olivia whispering 'Brentwoooood'. Ruby continued with his list of negativities and Jamal tried to cough out the word 'Brentwood', again, but nobody said anything. Then Jamal gave me a look. 
I guess it's my turn.
"Did you say Brentwood?" I said looking at Olivia. Jamal gasped dramatically.
"That's a great idea Olivia" He said it a little too dramatic. The others aren't dumb so they catch on but they don't suspect too much.


Monse tagged along on our way to find Rosé's house. I'm pretty sure she's still beefing with Cesar. But that's none of my business. The last time we were involved, she beat him up.
"You actually believe him?" Monse asked in a low voice beside me as Jamal rung the doorbell.
"Why wouldn't I?" Sometimes I forget how unreal this is. I mean, we're literally searching for a truckload of cash and the thing is I have so much faith in Jamal. But I get why the others don't.
Just then a woman with short, black hair and a wine glass in her hand answered the door. Monse and I know to let Jamal do all the talking since he knows what to ask and what not to ask so we just walk in behind him and say as little as possible.

10 minutes later ...

I take that back. Rosé now has a gun pointed at Jamal's head saying she saw him taking pictures. Without thinking I grabbed Jamal's phone and stood between him and the woman.
"We're sorry, look i'll delete them." I showed her the phone to prove it.
"Mmm Hmm" She squinted at the phone then at me. "I like you, you're smarter than your little friends."
"I'm also older." I added with a fake smile. I can almost feel Jamal and Monse's eyes piercing into my back. The woman let us out and as soon as we're far enough from listening distance Jamal turned to me. He was definitely mad.
"That was our last lead Clar!" I smiled at him but he got even more annoyed. "You're too nice. Maybe you shouldn't help me." He turned to storm off. He really thinks i'd do him like that.
"I airdropped them to my phone before deleting them." He pivoted back around with a relieved expression on his face.
"Oh thank God, I knew you weren't dumb." I playfully rolled my eyes and gave him my phone. He looked through the photos and started talking to himself. Monse made her way over to us with a weird look on her face. Like she'd seen a ghost.
"You okay Mons?" She flashed me a fake smile.
"I'm all good." Before I could call her out on her lie Cesar, Ruby and Olivia came sprinting towards us with a bunch of Brentwood boys close behind them. At first I was confused but then I saw the flying eggs. Oh. I really don't run so ya girl was struggling. I stopped to catch my breath and, to my misfortune, so do the Brentwood boys.
"What did my friends even do to you?" I asked, still trying to  breathe. Then a kid, poorly dressed as a cholo, walks towards me. He grabbed a bottle off his friend and opened it. 
"Something like this." He laughed and poured it all over the front of my WHITE dress with his friends hyping him up. I shrieked as the cold liquid hit my skin. Then I felt an arm push me aside. It was Cesar.

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