Angels for Halloween {Part 2}

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[Oscar's pov]

I got a text from Cesar about some kids bullying him and his friends. I'd do anything for my little brother so hearing about these bullies had me fuming. He texted me their whereabouts so I just got in my car and drove. 


After what felt like forever looking for Cesar, I finally see him. He was standing face-to-face with a kid dressed as a fake ass cholo. I hopped out the car and slammed my door to make my appearance a little more obvious. I stormed over to the brat and noticed he had a fake teardrop drawn below his right eye. Time to have some fun
He started to pant and whimper. What a girl. I licked my thumb and wiped the ink off his cheek. Then I wiped mine to show him it's permanent and his eyes started to fill with tears and pure fear.
"This shit's real." He started shaking and I laughed at the fact that his punk ass friends weren't doing shit.
"Please what do you want?" I smirked and picked him up by the collar. Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned my head, slightly, to see who it was. Everyone knows not to interrupt me when i'm doing my thing. 
"I think we should go home now." Kindness. I put the fake cholo down and turned to look at her. My eyes immediately shifted to the bright red stain covering half her dress. She doesn't even look mad about it. What the fuck.
"You need a ride home Kindness?" I only asked cause she lives across the road so it ain't much of a hassle. She nodded up at me and grabbed Turner's kid by the arm.
"So does Jamal." He looked terrified as shit. I rolled my eyes and signalled for them to get in the car then I looked over at the rest of their friends.
"How are you all getting home?" I actually do care. I just cant show it because it'll make me look weak.
"My abuelita's coming." Ruby replied.


"What the hell were you doing in Brentwood mano?" We were half way home and I just had to ask but his friend answered instead.
"It was my idea, not Cesar's" I looked at him through the rearview mirror and he panicked and looked away.
"Actually it was my idea." Kindness pipes up. I looked through the rearview mirror again but this time I was the one to break eye contact. I cant look at her without thinking about that day she caught me staring.
"I didn't ask whose idea it was, I asked why."
"I uh- wanted to go trick or treating." I call bullshit. 
"Aren't you too old for that?" 
"Never too old." She answered. Why she got an answer for everything?


The car was full of silence as we dropped Turner's kid home. When we got home Cesar got out and said bye to Kindness before making his way inside the house. I stood outside to make sure Kindness went straight inside but she turned right around and came back. Here we go.
"Were you really gonna hurt that kid?" She looked at me all innocently. She probably thinks I was gonna kill him.
"Nah I was just giving him a bit of a spook" I laughed at my own pun but she looked serious. 
I've never seen her without a smile. She looked so different. 
"Is violence your go-to approach for everything?" I rolled my eyes and walked off.
"I wasn't gonna hurt him." I said, still walking away. 
I can see why everyone calls her Kindness. Always wanting to do the right thing and shit. Why am I even arguing with this girl?
"That look in your eye said otherwise." I turned around and she slammed into my chest. She took a few steps back before looking up at me. 
"I'm sorry... stuff like that just scares me that's all." She said in a calmer tone. Damn
"Anyways... goodnight Spooky, thanks for the ride home." She took off her halo and gave me a faint smile before leaving. Why do I actually feel bad?

The affect she has on my mood is driving me crazy. Shit.


We love a first encounter <3

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