The Last Page

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[Oscar's pov]

I spent everyday of this past month with Clara. You know even though she's sick she hasn't changed a bit. She's still the same, innocent girl that never stops smiling. We don't leave her house anymore though. She can barely make it to her door without struggling.

"Oscar?" I felt her hand on mine. "You're always lost in thought." She playfully rolled her eyes as she tried to sit up.
"Always thinking of you." I got up and put some pillows behind her to support her. I kissed the tip of her nose and her loud mouthed friends came barging in. "Hey I gotta go do something, be back later?" She smiled and nodded.

[Clara's pov]

After Oscar left, Jasmin jumped on the bed as Ruby put flowers on my nightstand. It was quiet at first but Jasmin broke the silence.
"You know, you were my first real friend." She tilted her head and smiled at me. "For that I thank you." She squeezed my hand and I could feel tears forming in my eyes.
"You didn't turn on me when everyone else did..." Cesar put his hand on top of Jasmin's. "...thank you."
"You're not very good at giving advice... thank you." Jamal added as he put his hand on top of Cesar's and everyone gave him a look.
"You're not very good at halloween costumes either... thank you." Ruby said as he and Monse put their hands on top of Jamal's. We all just laughed it off and spent hours, crying then laughing again. As annoying as they get, I wouldn't trade them for the world.

It was getting late and everyone had gone home for the night. Oscar still wasn't back but i'm sure he will be soon. I remember when I first found out I was sick I met this really nice nurse who gave me the idea of writing down things that make me happy in a book. At the time I didn't think it was possible but that quickly changed. I remember the nurse said:
"If you write down your happiness, you can read it over and over again, as many times as you want. Just to remind yourself that you are capable of being happy even when you think it's impossible... "
I reached into my bedside drawer and took out a book and flipped to the last vacant page. I really am capable. I took the cap off my pen and began writing:

My life hasn't exactly been the easiest but I'd do it all again in a heartbeat. Every laugh, every cry, every fight, everything. I have the best parents ever, the coolest friends, the strongest brothers and the most amazing love. I guess you could say i'm lucky to have experienced everything in the small period of time that I was given. I'm lucky to have found happiness in the people around me. I don't know what's next for me but i'm ready. Something tells me that i'll see everyone again one day. We'll all be able to sit and talk about everything I missed. All the good and the not-so-good times. We'd all cry and laugh about anything and everything. And together we could catch sunsets as we watch over our loved ones. Until then I know i'll keep watch over them. All I can do right now is hope they don't forget me before that day comes because I will love them forever.

Kindness x

I ran my index finger along the nickname I had been dubbed since I moved to Freeridge. I closed the book and put it aside as I laid back. I took a deep breath in and closed my eyes. Every memory flashing before me. Every person that ever made me happy.
I heard my door creak and I opened my eyes to see who it was.
"Can I come in?" Antonio waited for an answer before walking in.
"Come sit." He looked up at me and tried to smile as he took a seat on the edge of my bed. He looked like he'd been crying.
"What am I gonna do without you?" He avoided eye contact and sat with his elbows on his knees.
"Everything." I whispered and he looked at me confused.
"You know, you're... the sister I never had." He looked down and I could see tears begin to fall from his eyes.
"You will always be my brother." I placed my hand on his arm and he fell onto my shoulder and cried. I held him and let my tears fall as well. I've never seen this man cry and it was hard. Then I felt my chest tighten. I tried to ignore it but I couldn't...

[Oscar's pov]

Clara inspired good in me which is why I was on my way to meet Cuchillos. She texted me a meetup spot which was about an hour away because she doesn't like meeting in the public eye. When I got to the destination she made me wait for, what felt like another hour. Then she finally got there and I got out of my car and made my way over to her black truck. She rolled down her window and looked at me annoyed.
"Spooky, you know I don't like spontaneous meetings." I swallowed the lump in my throat and tried to keep my posture straight. This bitch is intimidating as fuck.
"These kids... it's getting too far. I mean, threatening them?!" She cackled and turned to me abruptly.
"You need to stop hanging around Kindness. She's making you soft." I felt my throat grumble.
"Keep her out of this." Cuchillos looked down at her phone than back up at me again.
"You should probably go to the hospital." She chuckled and before I could say anything back she rolled up her window and they drove off. Then it hit me.
"Shit!" I ran back to my car and sped to the hospital. I picked up my phone to see a bunch of missed calls and messages but I didn't have the time to open them. I knew I shouldn't of left her.

I finally got to the hospital and everyone including her parents were sitting in the waiting room...


Thank y'all for reading! Any feedback is good feedback I guess lmao


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