Cold Night

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[Clara's pov]

I walked into the joint and Jamal and Cesar came running over.
"Happy birthday for yesterday!" Cesar said as Jamal pulled me into a hug.
"Thanks." I could barely breathe cause I was being squeezed to death but hey at least it was out of love.
"Did you do anything fun?" Jamal asked as we walked to the their work station.
"Well I went to a par-" I stopped midsentence remembering what happened with Cesar and there were awkward glances between us.
"Jamal!" Dwayne called out to Jamal and he grunted before going to see what his dad wanted.
"Nice ring." Cesar said looking at the birthday present I had gotten from Oscar. "So you're together now?" I didn't know how to respond so I just nodded. "That's great. I'm glad he's finally found someone." He gave me a faint smile and my heart broke thinking about how Oscar disowned his own brother.
"How's staying with Jamal?" I changed the subject to lighten the mood but he put his head in his hands and sighed.
"It's... great." He hesitated which made his answer unconvincing.
"What happened?" I asked already aware or Jamal's bedtime routines and antics. I bet Jamal's happy though, he's an only child so he gets lonely. I know he has me but he's always wanted a brother.
"I woke up in the middle of the night and he was shaving my armpit hair." I laughed and Cesar looked at me seriously. "And he doesn't sleep till late. He reads with this bright light that lights up the whole room." I laughed again because well... that's Jamal. But I understand he can be a little annoying sometimes.
"Hey..." I put a hand on Cesar's shoulder. He was leaning over the counter and visibly tired so I felt bad. " can stay with me if you want? I'm sure my parents wont mind." His eyes lit up for a brief moment but that disappeared pretty quickly.
"What about Oscar?" He looked at me worried.
"If Oscar has a problem with you staying at mine then that's his problem not mine." He gave me a tight hug and ran to tell Jamal. I smiled to myself and decided to head home and let these kids work. I guess I just wanted to check up on them since I don't go to school or work anymore and it gets boring. Especially when Oscar's busy which is 96 percent of the time. I feel like we don't hang out much which makes me sad but i'm still grateful... and guilty for not telling him i'm sick. I'll tell him when all of this Cesar stuff dies down.


"I still cant believe you're dating my brother." Cesar said to me from his bed on the floor. He sat up so he could see me.
"I cant believe your brother's dating me." I chuckled and he nodded in agreement.
"Do you love him?" The room went quiet because I was kinda taken by surprise by his question. "Sorry that's none of my business." He laid back down.
"Yes I do." I replied before dozing off.

Couple days later...

We sat in Jamal's room for a while trying to come up with a plan to protect Cesar. It wasn't gonna be easy but it was worth a try. Ruby and Jamal decided they'd try to buy his protection and we all agreed that it'd be better if I was the back up plan. If their idea falls through then i'd have to talk to Oscar. I was initially going to talk to Oscar first but Cesar strongly disapproved.

I got home and waited for a call from Jamal or Cesar to fill me in with how things went but I got nothing. Cesar didn't come home and I got worried. I texted Jamal, Ruby, Monse and Cesar but none of them replied. It was getting late and I couldn't sleep thinking about what could or could not be happening to Cesar. Then I heard a knock on my window. I ran to it expecting the worst but my mind was put at ease when I saw who stood there.
"Cesar!" I whisper yelled as I opened the window for him to climb through. "You know you can use the front door right?" He walked in and took a seat on the edge of the bed. He looked nervous and kept shaking his leg.
"If Oscar saw me come here, he'd be furious with you." I rolled my eyes and sat beside him giving him a side hug.
"So... what happened?" He didn't answer my question and I started to worry again.
"Oscar and I made a plan." He still looked nervous.
"That's supposed to be good news right?" I held in my excitement because Cesar's anxiety was giving me anxiety.
"Yeah." He faked a smile. "But now both me and Oscar's lives are on the line." I felt my body go cold at the thought. We sat in a tense silence and it made me uncomfortable.
"Well then all we can do now is hope this plan works..." I looked him in the eye with a straight face and I could see the fear in his eyes as he shakily nodded. "Get some rest kid." I pat him on the back before he got up. I could feel my tears forming so I laid down and turned away from him so he couldn't see me cry.
"Goodnight Clara." Cesar said softly as he made his bed. Just thinking about their lives being at risk breaks my heart.

I waited for Cesar to fall asleep so I could sneak across the road. I couldn't sleep because I couldn't stop crying and for some reason I was still extremely cold. I tried to wipe my tears but they just kept falling and I couldn't stop crying. I knocked on the door and I could hear Oscar storming to the door. He hates being woken up in the middle of the night but I don't care. I need to see him before they risk their lives tomorrow.

[Oscar's pov]

Who the hell comes over at this time?
"What?!" I swung the door open and Clara stood there upset. "Hey hey hey what's wrong?" I pulled her into me and held her till she was calm. I took her to my room and sat her on the bed. I crouched down in front of her so I could look her in the eye. "Que pasa Clara?" She refused to look up at me and kept her eyes on her hands. I grabbed her hands and put them on my cheeks so she could look at me.
"I just wanted to see you." She sniffled and gave me a faint smile. It's not like her to cry because she misses me? I mean she's soft but not that soft. I leaned in to kiss her and she kissed me back... hard. Then she started tugging at my shirt for it to come off. She started stripping down. I bit my lip and admired her for a second before following her lead.

She really missed me.

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