When She Left

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[Third Person]  Before Oscar got to the hospital.

Antonio was crying into Clara's shoulder when it happened. He could hear her gasping for air and when he lifted his head to look at her he saw the fear in her eyes. He called out to her parents and they came rushing in. Her dad instructed Antonio to pick her up and put her in the car. Through her mother's sobs Antonio tried to recite memories to Clara as he held her in the back seat. 'Like remember that time... '  The drive to the hospital was a short one and when they got there Clara was rushed to the emergency department.

Clara's dad sat beside her hospital bed crying. The doctors suggested that only immediate family should be in the room but her mother couldn't bear it so she stayed in the waiting room. Clara, however, didn't want anyone in the room when it happened. She tried her hardest to keep fighting but her breaths were getting shorter and shorter. Her father reached for her hand and looked her in the eye.
"I can see you fighting mija. I can see it's hurting you..." He tried to stable his voice. Clara shook her head and tried to talk through her oxygen mask. "...whenever you're ready Care Bear." He kissed her hand and she felt his words ease into her heart. She nodded. With her free hand, Clara took the oxygen mask off and put it down beside her.
"Go... please." Clara struggled to say and her father understood as he got up to kiss his daughter's forehead one last time before leaving the room. Moments later Oscar came rushing in and before Clara could tell him to leave he was already climbing onto the bed pulling her in. He rocked her back and forth the way she liked it as she coughed and gasped. Everyone, including her parents stood at the door crying and in each other's arms. Still trying to respect that she didn't want anyone in the room. Clara felt Oscar's grip tighten as everyone just gave up and gathered around her bed.
"Thank you... " Clara whispered and tried to look at everyone around her. Trying to clarify that she really meant more than just 'thank you'. Then she looked up at Oscar one last time and mouthed the words 'i love you'. She feared this moment but she never let it show. Oscar put his hand on her cheek and kissed her before replying.
"I love you." And for the first time ever, everyone in the room witnessed Oscar cry. Every tear hit her cheek and fell in sync with hers. Oscar watched Clara's eyes slowly shut and her head fall back. He felt her body loosen in his arms so he pulled her in closer.

And in that moment the room felt dark and heavy along with everyone in it.



Brooooo this chapter hurt my heart to write :(

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